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CMP expands reach with new disinfection tool

Custom Molded Products (CMP), a manufacturer of pool, spa, and bath components, has announced the release of the DEL Clean Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfector, a handheld UV device for use against harmful bacteria, micro-organisms, and viruses.
Custom Molded Products (CMP), a manufacturer of pool, spa, and bath components, has announced the release of the DEL Clean Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfector, a handheld UV device for use against harmful bacteria, micro-organisms, and viruses.

Custom Molded Products (CMP), a manufacturer of pool, spa, and bath components, has announced the production of the DEL Clean Ultraviolet (UV) Disinfector.

This is a new tool against harmful bacteria, micro-organisms, and viruses.

Like other manufacturers, CMP is pivoting its capabilities to produce relevant products aimed at public concerns on disinfection.

The DEL Clean Ultraviolet Disinfector is a handheld UV device that can be passed over surfaces and objects to completely disinfect them. The technology literally breaks apart the DNA and RNA of contaminants, preventing them from reproducing and making people sick.

“Solving our customers’ problems is what we live for at CMP. Fortunately, we are in a position and very capable of providing a product that can help customers disinfect their environment,” said CMP director of product design and marketing Vic Walker. “The new project announcement was very exciting. It meant we were going to bring something to the population at large to make a huge difference. This was accomplished with an incredible team effort from CMP staff focused on finding a way to make personal and work environments safer for everyone.”

The DEL Clean UV Disinfector can be used in the home, as well as in professional or medical environments. CMP engineers and product specialists were able to use existing, proven DEL technologies to create a brand new product for disinfecting objects and surfaces.

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One comment on “CMP expands reach with new disinfection tool”

  1. Good Morning, Do you have all of the government approvals needed to sell the product,plus the electrical approvals plus Health Canada approvals

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