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Constructing safe water play parks that offer universal accessibility

Depending on the splash pad designer/builder, the operating system can vary greatly—from simple on/off functionality to remote accessibility with the ability to shut the entire system down from a smartphone.

The brains behind the operation

Finally, today’s splash pads are built with an operating system that has the feature sequence built in to make sure certain features operate at specific times. For example, when a child activates the bollard, the water will dance in a pre-set sequence and certain toys will turn on at different times.

Depending on the splash pad designer/builder, the operating system can vary greatly—from simple on/off functionality to remote accessibility with the ability to shut the entire system down from a smartphone.

The available products on the market are endless; therefore, it is important for each community to assess their needs to ensure they are getting the water play system that meets their requirements. Splash pads provide fun for children of all ages and abilities, which is why they are so unique and remain popular amongst many communities.

Gall_HeadshotFrancine Gall is the chief operating officer at Acapulco Pools Ltd., in Kitchener, Ont. She is responsible for overseeing all of the day-to-day operations within the organization. Gall is also Acapulco’s expert on the subject matter of splash pads and movable floors. She can be reached via e-mail at

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