Bi-level walking track
After consultation with therapy experts, it was decided an underwater, bi-level walking track around the full perimeter of the pool would be beneficial. Part of the pool was maintained at a precise depth of 1.2 m (48 in.) and another was maintained at 1.37 m (54 in.).
This depth was determined to provide the ideal environment for the client. The water pressure, combined with walking in a controlled environment, allowed exercise to be both beneficial and safe. The centre portion of the pool was left at 2 m (78 in.) to allow for normal recreational use.
Aerated jets

One end of the pool was reserved for aerated jet therapy massage; precise measurements were taken on site to align the jets for the sole purpose of this therapy.
Two, three-horsepower pumps were installed to power bench jets, which provide relief for lower back pains, and custom calf jets, which soothe lower leg pains.
Three variable-flow shoulder jets, powered by a variable-frequency drive (VFD) pump, were also installed to facilitate the clients’ shoulder massage therapy. All jet pumps and air blowers are precisely controlled via poolside automation controls. This particular jet arrangement, coupled with a powerful VFD pump and large diameter plumbing, also doubles as a resistance swim jet.
Constant temperatures

Constant water temperatures in the pool and chill pool were essential to the clients’ therapy. Using a combination of geothermal and waste heat from the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system, the pool is maintained precisely at 29.4 C (85 F), while the indoor air temperature is maintained at 30 C (86 F). Constant air and water temperatures, combined with the heated pool deck, ensure the comfort and safety of all bathers and therapy pool users.
The standup, tiled chill pool is maintained at a precise temperature (18.3 C [65 F]) to alleviate muscle pain after strenuous therapy in the main pool. A quick soak in the chill pool is both invigorating and beneficial for tired muscles.
Safety features
Part of the design process for any project is the safety of the environment. This is especially important in a therapy pool. As mentioned previously, the perimeter overflow pool provides a safe, wave-free environment for therapy and exercise. The soft knife-edge also provides a comfortable pool edge hand-hold. Suction entrapment issues were eliminated by locating all suction devices inside the surge tank. There are no traditional skimmers or suction lines in the main pool. Eight light-emitting diode (LED) lights, in two automated zones, were also included to enhance both the safety and visual appeal of the nighttime pool environment.
Perimeter overflow pools cannot be easily covered with a standard fabric-style automated cover retracted with ropes. In this case, a unique slatted automated pool cover was installed to not only increase safety around the pool, but also to provide an insulation barrier that prevents evaporation from the pool surface.
In an indoor environment, it is critical to keep the pool covered when it is not in use. An ongoing issue in indoor pools is the control of humidity. Covers, when used properly, prevent the pool water from evaporating into the surrounding air. These types of covers can be configured to slide out of a vault in the bottom of the pool or the pool wall, or simply float out of a wet vault at pool level, as is the case with this project. Slatted covers can be fitted with built-in solar panels to help heat an outdoor pool while maintaining a layer of insulation on the water surface.