Peripheral accessories
Ladders, diving boards, slides, trampolines, and ‘safety’ lines (i.e. a rope dividing the pool’s shallow end from the deep end) are potential danger areas in a pool. To avoid liability and risk, the installation of these accessories must be performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions as well as any national or local building codes and industry best practices.
Alternatives to slides and diving boards include jumping rocks, raised walls, or a simple clean-lined water vessel.
Backyard automation
Ideally, a project should be fully automated, e.g. all lighting is controlled via timers, water level is maintained via an auto-fill device, and sanitizer is administered via an auto-feed system.
Most automation systems can be locked or password protected to prevent unauthorized programming. This avoids problems of having multiple users adjusting pump speeds, flow rates, and filtration times, which can ultimately affect the pool’s safety and water quality.
In terms of spas, jet pumps and air blowers can also be set with timers to prevent overuse, and remind bathers how long they have been in the hot water.
When it comes to automating safety covers, in addition to fire and water features, care must be taken at all times (remote controls such as the IPad or IPhone must not have access to operate automated covers and fire features). For instance, water features can be programmed to shut down when an automated cover is being closed. Therefore, controls must be located where the cover can be observed while in operation.
Educate the client
A client will often select a pool builder based on their reputation, job site presence, and safety precautions in their work as they look to a builder for knowledge and expertise.
In this regard, clients should be instructed that constant adult supervision is a must when children are in the pool area, and that it is highly advisable their children take swimming and safety lessons before the pool is installed. Safety rules should also be established (e.g. access to safety equipment, working phone, reach assist pole, and first aid kit) for their particular yard.
A safety plan established before construction begins allows for less risk and liability for all concerned. A firm that plans and designs for safety, while also builds and works safely will be more successful in business.
Barry Justus is the founder and president of Poolscape Inc. He designs and lectures internationally, is a member of the Society of Watershape Designers and is a faculty instructor with Genesis 3 Design Group. Justus can be reached via e-mail at or by visiting