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Designing spray parks

Install and commission

A typical installation will take anywhere from three-to-eight weeks depending on site preparation, size of the park, selection of water management systems and co-ordination of qualified contractors.

At this stage it is important to keep monitoring progress and ensure installation is being conducted according to the design:

  • Slope and drainage for the spray park is adequate;
  • Plumbing is according to design and manufacturer recommendations based on approved feature layout;
  • Electrical is correctly installed and meets code;
  • Features are correctly installed;
  • Pressure tests have been performed and adjustments have been made;
  • Surfacing is completed to design; and
  • Park is commissioned and operating to the planned design.

Enjoy and maintain

The grand opening of the spray park was a huge success, the facility surpasses the project’s objectives and scores of people are enjoying it everyday. So now what?

Spray parks are not ‘maintenance free.’ It is recommended facility operators/owners inspect their parks regularly to ensure it is operating to its full potential, as well as making sure the site is free of debris and/or potential hazards. Each features’ nozzle operation should be observed for changes in water flow, which can indicate cleaning or adjustments are required.

Mechanical hardware and moving parts need to be checked for wear and tear and water pressure should be measured to ensure it continues to operate within manufacturer guidelines. A safety checklist (provided by the manufacturer) should be followed at every inspection and maintenance records should be kept.

If a water treatment system is in use, the system will need to be checked several times daily to ensure the chemical levels are correct and the system is performing within health standards and regulations.

A spray park is a place to have fun and the planning process should exemplify this. By taking the time to establish the needs of the community and making educated decisions based on long-term goals, it can be easier to build the spray park of everyone’s dreams.


Cory Forrest headshotCory Forrest is a product line manager with Waterplay® Solutions Corp., in Kelowna, B.C. He is responsible for product line life cycles, from initial strategic planning through to product specification. He travels extensively throughout North America conducting educational seminars and training on-site personnel. He can be reached via e-mail at

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