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Eliminating barriers at today’s aquatic facilities

Movable floors

Acapulco Pools installed a movable floor from KBE North America at the Guildford Aquatic Centre in Surrey, B.C. This floor gives the facility vast programming capabilities which appeal to patrons of all abilities.

Movable floors give aquatic facilities the ultimate versatility when it comes to accessibility. In fact, a number of public pools in Europe are equipped with these systems, while in North America movable floors are gaining similar traction and are now being incorporated into many aquatic facility designs.

Movable floors can be installed in new construction or retrofitted into existing facilities giving them the ability to offer a range of programing that could not be provided to patrons in the past. While not a lifting device, pools equipped with a movable floor can be set to multiple depths to accommodate the preferences and/or abilities of different patrons. Further, moving floors can also be built with a sloping functionality. This allows the movable floor to become a beach entry or offer a gradual depth change within the pool.

Depending on a pool’s depth, the programming and suitability for patrons of differing age groups and abilities can be limited. However, an aquatic facility that has a pool equipped with a movable floor has much more flexibility.

Platform lifts

Platform lifts provide the same benefits and ease of entry as a ramp, but in a fraction of the space. These devices, which are typically a small movable floor, allow a patron to remain in their wheelchair or mobility device when entering the pool.

Capable of stopping at one or more depths within the pool, platform lifts have a greater weight capacity than an anchored or portable lift and are powered by either battery or water.

Similar to a ramp or beach entry, these are the only lifts that give the patron autonomy to enter the pool without assistance. These lifts are designed and built as part of the pool and are typically incorporated in the initial plans. Platform lifts are innovative in design and are increasing in popularity compared to older access equipment typically found in most aquatic facilities.

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