Endless Pools partners with Masters Swimming Canada

by jason_cramp | March 9, 2017 9:28 am

Endless Pools and Masters Swimming Canada, a non-profit organization that promotes, develops, and supports adult swimming in Canada, have signed a partnership agreement.

Endless Pools, a manufacturer of swim-in-place products, has partnered with Masters Swimming Canada (MSC) to promote the sport of swimming and advance the shared goals of the two organizations.

Doug Hannum, executive director for MSC said they are excited to partner with the company as it has a passion for swimming.

“Endless Pools can be used by our diverse membership, including coaches, new swimmers, fitness swimmers, and competitive athletes,” said Hannum.

James Murdock, founder and inventor of Endless Pools applauds MSC for its dedication to the advancement of swimming, keeping the sport alive for future generations.

“Endless Pools has supported U.S. Masters Swimming for more than a decade,” said Murdock. “We’re very excited to move north of the border to advance our shared mission of promoting aquatics for health, fitness, and competition.”

MSC, a non-profit organization, has worked in collaboration with partners, provincial organizations, and more than 250 clubs. Approximately 10,000 members aged 18 to 105 are registered and participate in activities offered by MSC and its partners. MSC supports and encourages adult swimmers of all abilities while promoting its organizational values: fun, friendship, health, wellness, participation and achievement.

  1. [Image]: http://poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/EndlessPoolsPartners.jpg

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/endless-pools-partners-with-masters-swimming-canada/