Lower energy usage, lower costs

When pool professionals hear customers complain about how their summer electricity bills increase significantly when they open their pool, this is a terrific opportunity to introduce the concept of VSPs. Reducing electrical costs invariably will pique their interest and most consumers understand the benefits of doing everything they can to make their homes energy efficient. Consumers want to do their part to be eco-friendly.
“The province of Manitoba is heavily rebating VSPs by giving a $300 rebate on the customer’s hydro bill,” says Belcourt. “We push the clients toward VSPs because of the different programming, the savings, and all the other benefits including better circulation and cleaner, clearer water that is easier to maintain whereby using less chemicals.”
Rebates from local utilities validate what pool professionals tell the consumer. Therefore, it is important to know the numbers—from electrical savings to utility rebates—and how to communicate the savings effectively and simply.
“We explain how a VSP is going to save them money and Manitoba Hydro is even going to pay them to get that power off their grid,” says Belcourt. “It’s a terrific bonus to have the utility company validating the information you are giving the pool owner.”
Pool professionals should be sure they are using all the resources available to them to explain the energy and cost savings—and leverage these resources in their sales conversation. For example, having the pump manufacturer’s cost-calculator on display allows staff to quickly show clients the financial savings of switching to VSP. Further, explaining how the monthly electrical savings combined with rebates from local utilities can make the investment less sizeable might also help close the sale.
“We know with absolute certainty pools renovated with a VSP will lower the homeowner’s electricity costs by 60 to 80 per cent. In fact, we’ve seen customers’ electricity costs go from $400 per year with a single-speed pump to $75 per year when using a VSP,” says Belcourt.
Comprehensive renovations make for happy customers
A new vinyl liner, water features, and lighting all make for an amazing pool renovation. Pairing these upgrades with new VSPs, filters, and automation make the renovation complete, both inside and out.
In fact, Aqua-Tech finished one such renovation this summer. According to Belcourt, the customer was beyond happy as their pool now suited their specific needs and is easier to maintain.
“It was amazing the entire renovation project conversation was precipitated by a conversation with the husband about the green algae developing in their water, which led to a conversation about how the pool was being used and how it could be changed to fit their needs, and ultimately how to make the pool more beautiful and easier to maintain,” says Belcourt. “I can’t wait to hear how delighted they will be one month, three months, and six months from now when they see their lower hydro bills.”
Phil Bach is the senior sales manager for Pentair Aquatic Systems in eastern and central Canada. He has been working in the pool industry since 1978, starting as a pool service technician. Bach joined SwimQuip in 1988 and stayed with the company as it became Sta-Rite and then Pentair Water Pool and Spa. He can be reached via email at phil.bach@pentair.com.