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Fabricating safety covers

In situations where a unique cut-out has been provided (e.g. rocks, walls, features, and waterfalls) it is best to start the installation here as the cover was designed to fit this area snug and secure.


Just because the safety cover can be fabricated does not mean it can be easily installed—some can be quite tricky. In some cases, installers must get into a dingy inside the pool to drill anchor points into a waterfall face, one hand holding the drill and the other holding the wall. Some installations may also require the pool to be drained to provide better access to certain areas and, similarly, new liners and safety covers are often sold at the same time. When the liner is removed, installers have unhindered access to these complex areas.
By following an easy step-by-step method, most safety covers can be installed quickly and properly. Assuming the pool was measured correctly, the likelihood of the cover fitting like a tailor-made suit is high. Once the cover has been removed from the box and draped over the pool it is crucial to start the installation at the right spot.
In situations where a unique cutout has been provided (e.g. rocks, walls, features, and waterfalls) it is best to start the installation here as the cover was designed to fit this area snug and secure. This ensures the cover is locked in place with only minor movements allowed. Once in place, the installation can proceed by fastening the cover strap by strap.
After the cover has been installed and stretched across the pool, weigh the straps down with water-filled buckets to allow the cover to be adjusted to ensure the overall positioning is correct.

Step 1
Once the cover is centred properly, identify the strap that runs the middle length of the pool. Attach springs on each end, drill, and install. Complete both sides of the strap as this will start pulling the cover out of the pool.

Step 2
Repeat the first step only this time with the middle width strap.

Step 3
Working off the middle width strap, install both ends of the next strap. It does not matter if the installation proceeds towards the deep end or shallow end; however, it is important to always work off of an installed strap.

Step 4
Use all of the hardware provided. If the manufacturer supplied 10 waterfall bolts to secure a cable to a wall, use all of them. If only half are used there is a chance the cover will have sizeable gaps between rocks and/or the possibility of the cover being wrinkled and puckered.

What do manufacturers need to know?

In order for safety covers to be designed properly, obstacles such as rocks, waterfalls, gardens, slides, sheds, decks (widths and elevations), need to be addressed and measured. Basically, anything that is within 304 mm (12 in.) of the pool’s perimeter should be noted so the manufacturer can make the proper cutouts and customizations.

For example, if the manufacturer is unaware of a rock sitting on the pool’s edge in the centre of the deep end, the custom safety cover will be made with no cutouts in that area. Should the manufacturer be aware of the rock, the cover design will compensate for the obstruction and include strength straps on each side. Further, manufacturers will also ensure there is no cover overlap to bunch and/or wrinkle.

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