However, the developments in e-commerce have impacted our margins on the retail side. Despite being late to the game, we are currently working on an e-commerce platform to capture those consumers who are also looking for convenience while shopping for their pool and other backyard leisure products.
PSM: What is the key to staying successful in this industry?
JM: The key to our success is centred on five core values.
1. Strong relationships—both with vendors and clients.
2. Having a good team. We are nothing without good people who are committed. So, it is important to treat them well.

3. Quality. Relationships and personality may win a sale but producing quality work and providing quality products will keep clients happy. Word of mouth can make or break a company’s reputation.
4. Communication. Talk, talk, talk… and then talk some more.
5. Resiliency. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is that you must be resilient in business and expect the unexpected.
PSM: What are the plans for your business?
JM: Our focus moving forward is how to thrive post-COVID. We need to ensure we manage the influx of business in a way that is sustainable.
PSM: How has the pandemic affected your business operations? How has the shop coped through the various stages of the lockdowns?

JM: We were extremely fortunate the Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) lobbied for our industry, deeming us an essential service. This designation allowed us to continue to work.
The first wave hit in our off-season, so we had time to modify our practices, equip our team with personal protective equipment (PPE), and adjust some policies. Most of our business had yet to pick up.
We closed our retail location and switched to curbside pickup. Since we did not have e-commerce in place at this time our retail arm was the only part of our business that was negatively impacted. In the early stages, and throughout the pandemic, we were concerned about the spread of COVID-19, the safety of staff and customers and, therefore, we took the necessary steps of limiting contact with people. Thankfully, our clients proved to be very loyal, and they adapted with us.

As each wave of COVID-19 wore on, and people were home starring at their pool covers, pool openings started much sooner then they would have during a typical season. Our fleet was large enough that travelling individually was not an issue and our clients respected our personal space. We adapted and maintained the adjusted practices throughout both waves.
With the influx of business, the pandemic has brought our industry, we decided to keep our retail store closed to walk-in business and reallocated staff responsibilities to managing the headaches that came with COVID-19—supply and demand. Tracking down product turned into a full-time job and three-to-four times the effort in a normal year.