A new generation of clean machine

by brittney_cutler_2 | December 15, 2021 11:24 am

Photo courtesy Water Tech Corp.[1]
Service technicians are incorporating robotic and battery-powered cleaners into their routines to get jobs done faster.

By Guy Erlich

Every professional in the industry is searching for ways to clean more pools and offer valuable tools to help preserve their condition. As a result, service technicians are incorporating robotic and battery-powered cleaners into their routines to get jobs done faster. Additionally, with so many new pool owners entering the market, selling these cleaners is the perfect way to ensure clients are happy with their new backyard investment.

Less time cleaning, more time selling

Saving time on the actual cleaning process allows service professionals to seek out other streams of revenue during calls. Incorporating robotic and battery-powered cleaners has become essential, so they can gain an extra five or 10 minutes to look around the pool. The goal is to maximize the revenue a technician can generate on every stop in the backyard.

Rather than waiting for equipment to be “broken,” service professionals are looking to upgrade the pool owner’s experience and earn more income by inspecting heaters, upgrading pumps, or replacing incandescent and fibre-optic lighting with new light-emitting diode (LED) lights.

Technicians do not want to rush through the service, as other potential revenue opportunities may be missed. Robotic and battery-powered cleaners can buy more time for pool professionals to find additional revenue streams.

Photo courtesy All Seasons Pools & Spas[2]
A technician uses a battery-operated vacuum to clean a client’s spa.

Focused cleaning helps technicians

Many pool professionals carry battery-powered cleaners in their trucks, to spot clean areas like steps and cuddle coves. Dan Lenz of All Seasons Pools and Spas Inc. in Orland Park, Ill., says he has sold battery-powered cleaners in his store for several years but has recently found his service technicians asking for them as well.

“At first, it was just one tech who asked if he could grab a pool cleaner from the retail display to put in this truck,” says Lenz. “But, before long, all my techs wanted to have a hand-held battery-powered cleaner in their truck. So, now all our trucks are equipped with one.”

Chris Morelli of South Strand Property Maintenance in Surfside Beach, S.C., says his service crews cannot survive without their battery-powered, hand-held cleaners.

“Most of the pools we service are right on the beach and are always filled with sand,” he explains. “All our service techs use commercial-grade battery-powered pool vacs because they are terrific for getting the sand out of pools.”

Many pool and spa retailers sell several hand-held, battery-powered vacuums each year simply because homeowners have seen their service technicians using them to clean their pool steps.

Morelli says this type of cleaner allows his crews to complete jobs faster. Since many of the pools are on rental properties, they will sometimes service one pool three or four times in one week.

“Once we started using this type of vac, we found we had much more time to pursue other work, so each of our stops was more profitable,” says Morelli. “We spend at least 20 per cent less time using this vac, rather than using the traditional vac with the hose—which takes too much time setting up and putting away.”

Lenz says his service department saves at least 10 minutes per pool with a battery-powered vac.

“Those 10 minutes allow our service professionals to chat with the pool owner about upgrading to salt chlorinators or variable-speed pumps,” he says. “Or it allows our pros to take notes and tell us about other products that could be replaced on the pool.”

Rather than spending more time cleaning pool surfaces, the vacuum works on the cleaning while the professional services equipment. Lenz says replacing old parts is a key revenue stream for his service department—which is the largest department in his company.

A technician spot cleans their client’s steps with ease

“If a service tech has five to 10 extra minutes at a pool, they might see the fibre-optic lighting isn’t working properly or the lighting is just emitting a very faint glow,” he says. “This opens the door for us to contact the pool owner and explain the benefits of replacing their fibre-optic lighting with new LED lighting, which is a big money maker for us.”

Selling cleaners builds customer loyalty

Service technicians have also started selling robotic and battery-powered cleaners to their customers, so they can use them between service calls. In fact, some have even loaned out a pool cleaner to a client to see if they like it.

For example, if a technician goes on a service call and finds the customer’s pump is not operating properly, and they cannot immediately install a new one, they will leave a robotic or battery-powered cleaner with the client to keep for the weekend. In most cases, the client loves the cleaner so much, they end up buying one.

A pool owner himself, Lenz understands the desire to ensure it is always ready for impromptu guests, as well as the burden of having to rush to clean it for proper use.

“Battery-operated pool cleaners are also a convenient option for spot cleaning steps and corners in a hurry,” he says.

Lenz has two display pools at his store—one equipped with a robotic cleaner and the other with a battery-powered one, so customers can test them out and learn about the benefits of each. He also validates the benefits of a robotic cleaner by comparing it to a dishwasher.

“You can wash the dishes manually, but you don’t want to, so you run the dishwasher every day to keep the dishes clean. Similarly, one should keep a robotic cleaner in their pool, so the pool is always clean.”

Customer loyalty is one of the main reasons Lenz promotes robotic cleaners. He incorporates the cost of these products into every project his company builds.

“We do this because we know our customers will love their cleaner, which in turn, keeps them happy with their pool,” he says.

Easy profits and easier cleaning

This winter, professionals are looking for solutions to make their businesses run smoother, retain staff, keep clients happy, and take advantage of profitable industry opportunities.

Technological advances in battery-powered and robotic pool cleaners have made cleaning easier for pool owners and service professionals. By incorporating these products into service routines and retail offerings, pool professionals will find it easy to make a profit and keep clients’ pools in perfect shape.

Guy Erlich is the founder and president of Water Tech Corp., a manufacturer of pool and hot tub cleaners in East Brunswick, N.J. He can be reached via email at guy@watertechcorp.com.

  1. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Courtesy-WaterTech-PoolPro-with-Precision-on-pole-5.jpg
  2. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/9.jpg
  3. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/12-15-2021-11-03-07-AM.jpg
  4. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/6.jpg

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/features/a-new-generation-of-clean-machine/