Adding and upgrading pool heaters: How retailers can become a pool owner’s ‘hero’

by Dave Flaherty | December 10, 2020 4:29 pm

Once the customer’s motivation behind the purchase has been determined, align it with the benefits of a variable-speed pump (VSP).
Once the customer’s motivation behind the purchase has been determined, align it with the benefits of a variable-speed pump (VSP).

By Luciano Tortorella

Those in the industry are well aware of the surge in demand for new pools in light of the current environment.

However, it is important to remember there are also many existing pools in the market being used more than ever.

As children continue to be at home with distance schooling, families are looking to use their pools well into the fall and winter (depending on geography), and to do that, they are going to need to keep the water warm. In many cases, those existing pools have older heaters that are operating inefficiently and clients are paying, or about to pay, exorbitant bills to fix the problem.

To best serve clients, now is the time to bring up the subject of adding or upgrading their equipment. Adding a heater not only allows customers to extend their swimming season but also allows those in colder climates to open their pool earlier in the spring.

Adding and upgrading heaters provides pool professionals with an added stream of revenue as summer sales start to slow. Upgrading an old pool heater with a new, energy-efficient model will make homebound clients happy because it helps them maximize the enjoyment of their pool while lowering monthly utility bills.

However, before embarking on a heater sales program, retailers should explain to their clients how a heater works and why it becomes less efficient over time—especially when suggesting an upgrade. It is important to reassure the customer it is important to get the most enjoyment from their pool in all seasons but also that the pool is not costing them a fortune.

It is important to offer and explain the benefits of today’s state-of-the-art pool heating equipment and the importance of routine heater service to maintain the equipment’s high efficiency. Providing these facts will make it easier for retailers to sell more heaters as well as become the customer’s go-to resource for pool equipment and other related knowledge.

The importance of understanding new high-efficiency pool heaters

Upgrading an old pool heater with a new, energy-efficient model will make homebound clients happy because it helps them maximize the enjoyment of their pool while lowering monthly utility bills.
Upgrading an old pool heater with a new, energy-efficient model will make homebound clients happy because it helps them maximize the enjoyment of their pool while lowering monthly utility bills.

Pool professionals sometimes forget the importance of explaining how pool heaters work, as even a basic description of the water heater mechanism will lead to an explanation of the benefits of upgrading to a high-efficiency pool heater.

Depending on the model, begin by explaining the very basics—from how the pump circulates the water by drawing it from the pool, passes it through the filter, and into the heater to how the heater’s combustion chamber ignites the gas, heating the copper tube located above the burner tray. As the water passes through, heat from the copper tubes is conducted to the water, increasing the temperature. The water then returns to the pool and re-circulates for consistent heating. This simple process provides quick, controlled heating of the pool water.

Once a customer understands how the unit works, they will need to understand why a higher efficiency rating translates to the lowest possible cost.

Explaining heater efficiency


Pool heaters are rated by British thermal units (Btus) input and output, which range from 75,000 to 4.5 million Btus.

Newer pool heaters start off being 82 to 96 per cent efficient—this means if the heater is rated 84 per cent efficient with a 400,000 Btu input, the actual heating capability is 84 per cent of the total Btus—so in this case, it would be 336,000 Btus. By comparison, using this same example, a 400,000 Btu heater that is seven to 10 years old, which was initially 78 per cent efficient, only provides 312,000 Btus of output.

Today’s pool heaters use less energy to heat the water and are mostly 82 to 96 per cent efficient while older models are typically 70 to 80 per cent.
Today’s pool heaters use less energy to heat the water and are mostly 82 to 96 per cent efficient while older models are typically 70 to 80 per cent.

The most important detail pool professionals should explain to clients is how the original efficiency rating of their heater does not remain the same throughout its operating life. Unfortunately, most heaters lose efficiency over time due to lack of service. If the client is looking to have warmer water and spend less money to get it, they will need to get a newer, higher-efficiency heater. One of the easiest ways heater efficiency can be explained to a customer is by telling them if a heater is 82 per cent efficient, every dollar spent on gas, 82 cents goes into heating the pool water and the remaining 18 cents goes up the chimney or into the atmosphere.

Using an online cost calculator will provide the customer with a more accurate idea of what their yearly savings would be if the customer were to have a new heater installed. Some manufacturers provide tools that allow professionals to input the size of the pool to determine the total litres/gallons of water being heated as well as the customer’s desired water temperature. Further, pool professionals can use an online calculator to determine the cost of heating the water and then compare it to what the customer is currently paying. In most cases, the customer will realize they can reduce their energy bills by 30 per cent simply by upgrading to a newer, energy-efficient heater.

Explaining to the customer how heaters become less efficient

By educating customers about how pool heaters work, the cost savings associated with high-efficiency heaters, and the importance of heater maintenance makes it easier to proactively up sell a new heater.
By educating customers about how pool heaters work, the cost savings associated with high-efficiency heaters, and the importance of heater maintenance makes it easier to proactively up sell a new heater.

The customer might also want to understand why a heater becomes less efficient. This is important because it proves the need for regular heater maintenance to avoid prematurely reducing the efficiency of the unit. There are several factors that reduce the efficiency of a heater, all of which are a part of regular operation.

Build up on the heat exchanger tubes

Heat exchanger tubes build up with chemical residue and calcium that causes the unit to lower its heat transfer. When the heat transfer is reduced, the heater requires more energy to heat the same amount of water, eventually making it less efficient. Pool pros should advise customers they ensure their pool water chemistry is properly balanced and suggest a regular maintenance program to help them manage this. This is the best way a pool owner can avoid chemical residue and calcium build up problems.

Low gas pressure

Low gas pressure can lead to build up on the heater’s internal parts, resulting in a blockage of the heat exchanger. Service technicians should always check gas pressure lines and be sure the heater is getting the correct gas pressure per the product manual. Remember, once a client upgrades to a new heater, always make sure the gas supply can accommodate that unit.

Lack of ventilation and combustion air on heaters installed indoors

A lack of ventilation and combustion air can also cause ‘soot’ which acts as an insulating layer on the exchanger and prevents the heat from transferring to the water efficiently.
Always follow the manufacturer’s requirements for proper combustion and ventilation air.

Proper water flow

Water moving too fast through the heater will cause condensation and possible erosion. If it is moving too slow, the heater is not able to warm the water efficiently and, as a result, it may cause the unit to cycle on and off—ultimately damaging the heat exchanger. In this case, service technicians should check the water flow into the heater as an essential part of set up and regular maintenance.

Explain the benefits of why a customer should upgrade their existing heater

Customers should be advised to ensure their pool water chemistry is properly balanced and to follow a regular maintenance program to avoid chemical residue and calcium build up on the heat exchanger tubes.
Customers should be advised to ensure their pool water chemistry is properly balanced and to follow a regular maintenance program to avoid chemical residue and calcium build up on the heat exchanger tubes.

For a customer with an existing pool heater, they will want to know why they should upgrade their equipment. Should a pool professional be asked this question, the following are five basic reasons why the customer should consider a new pool heater:

  1. Newer heaters are much more efficient and use less energy to heat the pool water. Today’s heaters are mostly 82 to 96 per cent efficient while older models are typically 70 to 80 per cent.
  2. As heaters age, wear and tear of the parts cause them to operate below their original efficiency rating and lack of maintenance will also contribute to this.
  3. Some newer pool heaters are smaller, take up less space, and have lower emissions than older models—making them better for the environment.
  4. In today’s market, there are a variety of choices for high efficiency heaters to choose from. That said, the customer needs to find one that best suits their application in Btus and physical size.
  5. Newer heaters are safer because they have sealed combustion. This makes them less of a fire hazard but the manufacturer’s requirements for proper install should always be followed.

By taking the time to explain all of these benefits, pool professionals will find selling a new heater, and potentially other products, should be easy. Clients will appreciate being informed about how a pool heater works, how to maintain it, how to control operating costs, and the importance of heater efficiency.

Not only pools that are in primary residences, but also those in second homes or vacation homes are going to get even more use this year, and by extension, the pool heaters. Proactively maintaining and upselling pool heaters will help businesses gain invaluable customer loyalty because they are making sure clients are getting more enjoyment from their pool and helping control their operating costs.

Having all the facts about how pool heaters work, the cost savings associated with high-efficiency heaters, and the importance of heater maintenance together will help educate customers, making it easier to proactively up sell a new heater. This will not only increase profits, but will also increase customer loyalty by being the ‘hero’ that allowed the family to enjoy their pool more during this pandemic.

Luciano Tortorella is a product specialist for Pentair heaters in Florida as well as the U.S. Southeast and Northeast. He has been in the industry for almost 40 years beginning his career as a service and repair technician for his brother’s company, J.Tortorella Swimming Pools in New York. Luciano also worked for a gas and electric utility on Long Island as an emergency gas specialist before joining Pentair 14 years ago.


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