Easier installations in most climates
Advantageously, fibreglass pools can be installed in virtually any temperature or climate. These pools can withstand many different geographical conditions. Colder temperatures and rain typically will not delay the installation of this pool, nor high water tables or freeze-thaw conditions.
When builders are looking to install pools for as long as possible, fibreglass pools have the longest installation season—allowing builders to schedule installations late into the fall and early winter, as well as early spring. Additionally, builders can have much better control of their installation schedule.
It is important to remember today’s more popular pool designs include those with tanning ledges, beach entries, and large steps which require a lot of backfill as part of the installation process. To eliminate some of this, fibreglass pool manufacturers are integrating these design features into their products to ease the installation process for builders, as well as innovating to make the backfill process simpler.

Easy to sell designs
Fibreglass pool manufacturers have come a long way and are now including a number of sought-after features that consumers are looking for today. These features include tanning ledges, big stairs to sit on, and safety ledges around the deep end to make the pool more “user-friendly” for all ages. Some builders find fibreglass pools easier to sell as a result of these common features already designed into the pool, and that too without any additional charges. Not needing to add these features on during installation can save time on the project and, ultimately, to the installation.