“Most of the pools we service are right on the beach and are always filled with sand,” says Morelli. “We have a staff of six, and five of them use commercial-grade, battery-powered pool vacuums, as they are terrific for getting the sand out of pools.
“Using this type of vacuum saves us time, so we can cover more pools. This is especially important to our business since most of the pools we clean are in rental homes in the summer and we clean them between renters. This means we can sometimes hit one pool three or four times in a week,” says Morelli. “Once we started using this type of vacuum, we found we had much more time to pursue other business. We spend at least 20 per cent less time using this vacuum, unlike a traditional vacuum with a hose, which takes too long to set up and put away.”
According to Morelli, he sells a lot of these hoseless and cordless battery-operated cleaners because clients see his crews using them.
“We have sold a lot of hand-held, battery-powered vacuums in our store because the pool owners saw our service technician using one to clean their pool steps,” he says. “Stairs always have junk on them, and pool owners need or want to do spot cleaning on their pool between weekly maintenance trips.”
Morelli carries commercial-grade, battery-powered vacuums in his store and they have become very popular.
“Many of the pools we service for renters at the beach also have pools at home,” says Morelli. “They see us using it and want one for their own pools. When the renter inquires, we direct them to our website, where they can purchase the unit and have it shipped directly to their home.”
Capitalizing on new pool ownership
Technological advances in battery-operated and robotic pool cleaners are an easy solution for service professionals and retailers alike. With so many new pool and spa owners now in the market, it is important to make sure the customer finds their pool easy to maintain, without any stress or hassles. When it comes to robotic and battery-operated pool cleaners, the technology built into these products is designed to make cleaning easier. By incorporating these products into service routines and retail offerings, pool professionals will find it easy to profit from automatic pool cleaners. Savvy service professionals are embracing robotic and hand-held, battery-powered cleaners to help clean more pools in less time, while building customer loyalty by keeping pools clean between service visits. This season, businesses should consider keeping extra battery-operated and robotic cleaners in their truck to sell to clients right away; or put them on sale on the company website. Everyone can benefit from some extra revenue while homeowners can rave about having the cleanest pool in the neighbourhood.
Guy Erlich is the founder and president of Water Tech Corp., a manufacturer of an award- winning line of battery-powered cleaners, as well as a popular robotic pool cleaner. Erlich has focused his business on patented, innovative pool cleaners for more than 20 years and his company was recently voted best place to work in 2022 by NJ Business Journal. He can be reached via email at guy@watertechcorp.com.