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Automatic Pool Covers: Blending in with a vanishing edge pool design

Cover fit

A perfectly fitted auto cover is necessary for it to function smoothly on a vanishing edge pool. The slack has to be minimal with this pool design; otherwise it will be baggy or too small and will not move. In addition, the cover will want to ‘travel’ in the direction of the water current (toward the vanishing edge); hence, the fabric migrates to that area. If the cover does not fit right, the fabric travels to the edge and bunches and puckers.

There is a certain amount of built-in slack on auto covers by code—for it to be considered a safety cover. But this slack has to be adjusted with a vanishing edge because the water level is much higher on that side. The author’s company has a ‘slack formula’ that it uses to ensure the fit of the cover, which is critical for esthetics and functionality; otherwise, one may end up with ‘running’ issues.

Here are a few dos and don’ts to successfully install an automatic pool cover on a vanishing edge pool:

  • Do consult an auto cover specialist early in the design process of your pool project;
  • Do understand the nature of water loss on a vanishing edge pool versus a normal pool and how this affects the functionality of the cover;
  • Do understand that water gets into the trough of the auto cover as well as overflows into the catch basin. Be sure to include a drain in the trough of the cover area, so the water finds its way back into the catch basin and ultimately re-circulates into the pool; and
  • Do understand the importance of having minimal track height differential to keep the track ‘hidden’ as well as for the cover to function smoothly; and
  • Don’t rush through the installation without consulting an auto cover specialist. If a cover is important, integrate it well into the design.

Michael Shebek is owner and CEO of Automatic Pool Covers Inc., a cover manufacturer based in Westfield, Ind. The business was started in 1979 as a pool cover installation and service company. Shebek has performed nearly 1000 installations and has more than 20,000 hours of in-field pool cover experience. He can be reached via e-mail at

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