Better balance with borates
Balancing pool water is one of the easiest ways to ensure chlorine will keep it sanitized. Borates allow water to remain at a more stable pH level for a longer period, resulting in lower chlorine consumption.
Frequent and consistent testing of chlorine, using a home testing kit or test strips, is imperative to make sure the sanitizer levels are correct. Without testing, one may be needlessly adding too much chlorine, as only 1 to 3 ppm is typically needed for good water quality.
For pools using chlorine generators, there is a case to be made for adding borates to the water. This will ensure the generators are not working overtime and causing harmful side effects to the pool and equipment. In general, borates improve the wellness of all pool types.

Plaster pool start-ups
Plaster pool start-ups require critical water conditions. During this period of changing water balance, borates demonstrate their unique characteristics. Balanced borates help guard against pH swings and protect delicate plaster surfaces from scaling or etching. They can also help prevent return trips to the construction site, to keep builders on top of their busy schedules.