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Bringing water testing to the backyard

Integration with business software

Any necessary treatments are added in a contactless experience.

Both Underwater Pool Masters and All Seasons Pools and Spas are now building valuable databases as a result of their new poolside testing programs. In fact, the author’s company experienced an uptick in new customers wishing to integrate their business management software with similar services. Being able to provide technicians with immediate access to important water testing information—as well as products owned, pool and spa size, stored images and schematics, previous water problems, equipment profiles, personal information, directions, and more—gives pool and spa businesses the tools to create sales opportunities and an overall experience which keeps customers coming back.

The use of mobile apps has also increased, as it is now easier to make safe transactions and stay in touch while maintaining a safe social distance. There are now many apps available through business software packages, or as standalone tools, to ensure companies provide better services to their customers and daily operations are less stressful for employees. Delivering exceptional service can be challenging during the busy season, when insufficient checkout resources at peak times often lead to long lines, frustrated customers, and lost sales. Taking water testing poolside and using mobile apps can help resolve these issues and elevate the customer experience.

Technicians can also use site visits to examine any equipment in need of upgrades or repairs.

It is important to understand the value of integrating a water testing database into a retailer’s point-of-sale (POS) software. Staff in-store and in the field can improve customer service by being able to view the test results on a computer terminal, tablet, or other mobile device. This is especially valuable to service technicians, who can upload photos, equipment information, and other customer data for future reference, as well as access tools to help diagnose water chemistry issues. They can even send messages directly to clients with recommended products which can be purchased directly through the retailer’s online store.

Mobile service software also allows technicians to provide electronic ‘door hangers’ with before and after pictures showing the work completed. Apps with water testing integration will automatically save results in the software for customer records, where they can even be added to post-visit electronic door hangers. Savvy pool and spa retail and service departments are embracing technology to create new opportunities for business revenue which will last far beyond the pandemic era.

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