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Building a backyard paradise: Today, homeowners want a retreat that co-ordinates with their lifestyle

Time for Permits

The pool features an inset spill-over spa.
The pool features an inset spill-over spa.

Unfortunately, no two municipalities adhere to the same guidelines. In the case of Richmond Hill, the backyard needs to be surveyed by an engineer to identify the height of the pool, cabana, and hardscape. The swales and drainage patterns have to be identified, too. Neglecting to follow these guidelines will result in failed inspections and potential costs to the homeowner or contractor. Further, some municipalities can take between two and four weeks after the application is submitted before they issue a permit. In other cases, some municipalities will issue a permit within seven days (this does not include any revisions to the drawing as requested by the town).

The stakeout (does it fit?)

The pool drawings
The pool drawings

A builder needs to know well in advance if the design—as it appears on paper—will actually fit within the backyard. Each item on the design is carefully located on the property using either paint or string. This was an important part of the process as it allowed the homeowner to envision the space and make any final adjustments to the layout. Further, it allowed the contractor to prepare for the different phases of the project, as well as plan on how they were going to be executed.

The stakeout is also a great opportunity to identify any potential issues which can be reviewed and discussed with the homeowner.

Site prep: Excavation and grading

The ‘dig day’ is always a highly anticipated part of any project. So much energy has been devoted to planning and material selection that this day is often a sign of relief. However, in reality, it is the start of a long process. While the pool is being excavated according to the dig specification sheet, the construction team is also doing the fine grading and excavation work for any future structures (e.g. a cabana or pavilion).

As was the case on this project, the heavy equipment could take up to 500 trips in and out of the client’s backyard. Often, the access route runs between two homes and, therefore, the operators have to be highly skilled and exercise extreme caution around any obstructions, such as air conditioners, plant material, and existing patios or decks.

Pool time

After completing the pool excavation, the next stage was assembling the steel panels and making sure the pool was level and square prior to cementing them in place and pouring the footings. For this project, it was a one-day process.

The next stage of this installation was to plumb the pool and install the lights, along with the other specialty items that were required for operation. In this case, a set of side suctions were added to ensure adequate water supply to the filtration system. This particular project has three bodies of water: pool, spa, and water feature. To ensure everything performed properly and operated efficiently, two pumps were installed.

The final three components to completing this installation included backfilling the pool with aggregate stone, pouring the second stage grout bottom, then pouring the concrete apron to accept the stone coping. With the pool shell complete, the team transitioned into the landscape and construction phases of the project.

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