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Business strategies for specialty retailers: How software integration can improve operations and sales

Integrating software with success

Retailers can also provide better and faster service to customers with the ‘line buster’ feature, which allows clients to avoid waiting in queue.
Retailers can also provide better and faster service to customers with the ‘line buster’ feature, which allows clients to avoid waiting in queue.

The solution is quite simple for any business looking to step up its marketing strategies to enhance sales, lower costs, and ensure customers keep returning to the store. That said, retailers must remember the water testing station is the place to begin—whether it involves interacting with customers, learning about their needs, developing relationships, building customer loyalty, or selling more products and services. For these reasons, many companies may already be using water testing software.

For those business owners who know they are leaving money on the table, integrating their software systems is a good way to stop this from happening by upgrading any redundant systems that are currently being used. For instance, a company that is not using this technology to its fullest potential and is only automating part of its business—along with separate ‘manual’ systems—can be missing out on a lot of up-to-the-minute customer-related data.

In today’s competitive marketplace, retaining customers is an invaluable asset that allows a specialty retailer to thrive. Assessing the true costs of one’s current business software is the best way to determine if it is time to merge the water testing system with the business database.

Today, software solutions can manage all business processes—from sales to purchasing. Therefore, one must look for an option that collects their business data on one system, which can be accessed at any given time and place. That said, when a business owner is looking to purchase new software, one should not be intimidated by its price—especially when it comes to revealing missed revenue opportunities in multiple areas of the business. One must think of ways to increase profits (e.g. could an employee free up 20 hours a week to follow up on sales leads, make additional service calls, or attend to customers in-store during peak season by implementing this technology?).

Specialty retailers can unlock several sales and service opportunities by using this software, which creates a powerful customer database that opens the door for pool and spa retailers to implement profitable marketing strategies.

Rachael Pritz has been active in the pool industry for more than 20 years, which has provided her with an all-encompassing expertise in the trade. She worked at a local pool store while pursuing a master’s degree at the University of Pittsburgh, Pa. With her technical skills and industry knowledge, she joined the launch of RB Retail & Service Solutions in Pittsburgh in 2003. She can be reached via e-mail at

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