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Canada’s pool industry grows for third straight year

Overall, Statistics Canada reported 12,685 permits were issued in 2019, representing 461 more than the year prior. Permit registrations in census metropolitan areas (CMAs) also increased year-over-year by 5.4 per cent, representing 477 more permits than in 2018.
Overall, Statistics Canada reported 12,685 permits were issued in 2019, representing 461 more than the year prior. Permit registrations in census metropolitan areas (CMAs) also increased year-over-year by 5.4 per cent, representing 477 more permits than in 2018.


Gradual seasonal changes are a thing of the past, and it would seem as though unusual weather extremes are becoming the norm—from fluctuating temperatures, rare snow days, rainstorms leading to major spring flooding, including record-high water levels in the Great Lakes, to hot and humid summer weather.  Based on these weather calamities in conjunction with other factors affecting the industry the numbers show this region was one of the hardest hit in 2019.

Based on the above, one might ask themselves if the market—economy and weather in all—could sustain a fourth consecutive year with permit increases between January and April. Keep in mind, it was only four years ago (2013-2015) when permit registrations during this period were on decline. That said, permits increased by 13.6 per cent in 2019 during the first four months of the year. However, in taking a closer look at the numbers, this only happened thanks to a strong April as every other month showed a decline. Further, unlike previous years where this upward trend continued throughout the year, it was short-lived last year. In fact, permits decreased by 17.5 per cent between May and August and another 6.1 per cent between September and December. Of these remaining months, year-over-year permit increases occurred twice: September (+1) and December (+5).

Of 16 reporting CMAs in the province, the results were the exact opposite from what occurred in 2018 with only five showing increases and 11 with decreased permit registrations in 2019. Indeed, three of the top five CMAs in the country showing decreased pool permit registrations are located in the province. Hamilton sits atop the list with 235 fewer permits, a year-over-year decrease of 46.4 per cent. St. Catharines-Niagara (fourth in 2018) is now third with 34 less permits (-17.6 per cent), while Brantford is ranked fifth with a decrease of 28 permits (-59.6 per cent).

That said, despite this negative outlook, Toronto had a 79.5 per cent year-over-year increase in permit registrations after a decrease in 2018. Prior to this, pool permits increased in the city for three consecutive years (2015-2017). Further, while the CMA is no longer on the list of top five CMAs with decreased permits, it has not been in the top five with increases since being bumped off the list in 2018.

Another CMA showing positive trends is Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo. After permits decreased in this region in 2018, they have increased in 2019 by 34.9 per cent (+40). Further, the CMA is now ranked fifth on the list of top five major urban centres with increased building permit registration in 2019.

Ontario represents 27.5 per cent of the total number of building permits issued in Canadian CMAs, representing an increase of 3.4 per cent.

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