In any event, chlorine-free oxidizers perform a more thorough removal of wastes, which more than makes up for what it cannot do. Additionally, a negative charge to the contaminants allows filters to quickly remove what is not broken down in the water resulting in clearer water.
Though shocking pool water is a necessity for water care maintenance, the frequency of when it needs to be performed can be changed up with the use of other products and system supplements. Enzyme treatments is one such aid as it breaks down complicated waste structures in the water. Having a net result of leaving the oxidizer to perform more effectively means less chemicals are needed overall.

Ozone, ultraviolet (UV), and other advanced oxidation processes (AOP) also breakdown and remove unwanted wastes and contaminants from the water. The addition of these secondary systems will help to limit the amount of oxidizer needed to be applied to the water. However, time is needed for these systems to perform, and sometimes time is scarce, or the water quality falls behind and the pool needs to be cleansed with shock.

Mould, algae, bacteria, viruses, and other micro-organisms all linger in the pool regardless of which season it is. Add heat, such as the case with hot tubs and spas, then all those water contaminants start to grow and multiply, which then puts a demand on the amount of oxidizer needed. Sticking with spas, another element of note that is added sometimes in droves to hot tubs and swim spas is sweat. Hot tubs typically have a water temperature higher than the average body temperature, so the body is naturally going to sweat to help cool itself. Swim spas should be thought of as a little athletic area. When someone is using a swim spa, it should be imagined that a high intensity workout will occur, which leads the body to perspire. In all aspects, these vessels will require more oxidizers than pools, relative to their size.