An intermediate look at pool and hot tub water chemistry and testing

by jason_cramp | April 11, 2018 1:58 pm

By Wayne Ivusich

To ensure the health of bathers and the life of a pool or hot tub, it is necessary to monitor a handful of water-quality factors on a regular basis.[1]
To ensure the health of bathers and the life of a pool or hot tub, it is necessary to monitor a handful of water-quality factors on a regular basis.

Dealing with pool and hot tub water chemistry issues is sometimes confusing and occasionally frustrating because of the many critical components involved. A basic understanding of this topic is often not enough. Sometimes it requires ‘diving in’ a little deeper and gaining a better understanding of what it takes to maintain healthy, balanced water. The first key players in attaining this goal are sanitation and oxidation.

Sanitation and oxidation

Although many service technicians think ‘sanitation’ and ‘oxidation’ are one in the same, there is a distinct difference between the two. Sanitation is the complete destruction of bacteria, germs, viruses, algae, etc., that may enter the water. These nasty components can be potentially harmful to swimmers. Sanitizing them (i.e. killing them) removes this possibility. Oxidation is the process of oxidizing (i.e. burning off) organics that may get into the water such as hair, oils, lotions, sunblock, leaves, etc. By ridding the water of these contaminants, it eliminates the main source of eye, nose, and skin irritation. The good news is with proper sanitation and oxidation these problems do not exist.

Consider the following:

Although there are many products available for sanitizing and oxidizing pool/hot tub water, there are actually only two chemicals that can perform both of these processes at the same time—chlorine and bromine.

First, here is a look at the six forms of chlorine currently available:

All chlorine products react with water to produce the same acid—hypochlorous acid (HOCl):

H2O + Cl2 → HOCl + OCl

HOCl is a very powerful sanitizer/oxidizer, whereas the OCl (hypochlorite) portion has only one per cent of HOCl’s ability to kill germs.

When considering which product to use for the pool and/or hot tub being serviced, it is important to know that each of these products has its own unique characteristics. One of the primary issues with chlorine is the difference in the available chlorine content (ACC) in the product and the effect it has on the water’s pH. (see Figure 1 below)

Product Available Chlorine Content (ACC) pH
Chlorine 100 %
Sodium Hypochlorite 10 to 12 % 11 to 13
Calcium Hypochlorite 45 to 78 % 8.5 to 11.8
Lithium Hypochlorite 35 % 10.8
Dichlor 55 to 63 % 6.7
Trichlor 90 % 2.8 to 3.5

Figure 2 (below) shows how the water’s pH determines the proportions of HOCl and OCl.

pH % HOCl % OCl-
7.0 79.3 20.7
7.2 70.7 29.3
7.5 54.8 45.2
7.8 37.8 62.2
8.0 27.7 72.3

Chlorine gas

Water samples should be collected 457 mm (18 in.) (elbow depth) below the surface and away from the return lines.[2]
Water samples should be collected 457 mm (18 in.) (elbow depth) below the surface and away from the return lines.

Chlorine gas is normally a pale greenish-yellow and has a pungent odour, which can burn the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs if handled improperly. Its use in North America has diminished greatly in the past few decades.

When added to water, chlorine gas has the following chemical reaction:

Cl2 + H2O → HOCl + HCl



Sodium hypochlorite

Sodium hypochlorite, an inorganic chlorine, is stable only in solution, but loses strength over time, degrading to 10 to 12 per cent strength at point of use. It is also often referred to incorrectly as ‘liquid chlorine.’

When added to water, sodium hypochlorite has the following chemical reaction:

NaOCl + H2O → HOCl + Na+ + OH



Even though this is commonly referred to as ‘bleach,’ it must be noted that laundry-grade bleach is not acceptable for use in pools and hot tubs due to the high level of contaminants found in these products.

Calcium hypochlorite

To ensure the proper amount of reagent is dispensed, always hold the bottle in a vertical position.[3]
To ensure the proper amount of reagent is dispensed, always hold the bottle in a vertical position.

Calcium hypochlorite is a white, granular powder made by mixing chlorine gas with calcium hydroxide, then drying to the resulting powder.

When added to water, calcium hypochlorite has the following chemical reaction:

Ca(OCl)2 + 2H2O → 2HOCl + Ca++ + 2OH



Lithium hypochlorite

Match the colours in proper lighting immediately after sampling.[4]
Match the colours in proper lighting immediately after sampling.

Lithium hypochlorite is a white, relatively odourless granular solid made by mixing chlorine gas with caustic soda, then with lithium hydroxide, and then drying to a powder.

When added to water, lithium hypochlorite has the following chemical reaction:

Li(OCl) + H2O → HOCl + Li+ + OH



Trichloroisocyanuric acid (Trichlor)

Trichlor, an organic chlorine, is a slow-dissolving, white solid generally sold in 25 mm (1 in.) and 76.2 mm (3 in.) tablets for automatic erosion or floating feeders.

When added to water, trichlor has the following chemical reaction:

C3N3O3Cl3 + 3H2O → 3HOCl + C3H3N3O3



Sodium dichloroisocyanurate (Dichlor)

Dichlor is a rapidly dissolving white granular solid generally sold in 25-mm (1-in.) and 76.2-mm (3-in.) tablets for automatic erosion or floating feeders. This type of chlorine is also available in granular form. Its impact on pH is minimal.

When added to water, dichlor has the following chemical reaction:

NaC3N3O3Cl2 + 3H2O → 2HOCl + C3N3O3 + NaOH



Chlorine stabilization

To slow down the natural degradation of unstabilized chlorine by the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) light, cyanuric acid is added to the water (whether supplemented separately when using inorganic chlorine or as part of the physical makeup of organic chlorine in trichlor and dichlor). Cyanuric acid is an odourless, white, granular substance with a maximum solubility of 1600 ppm in water. It is a weak acid when dissolved and will provide protection from UV light for hypochlorous acid in outdoor pools/hot tubs. An ideal concentration of 30 to 50 ppm CYA will permit HOCl to last three to five times longer under sunny conditions than unstabilized water. Cyanuric acid is not appropriate for indoor pools/hot tubs.

Currently, there is no pool chemical available proven to be effective in removing excess CYA. The accepted methods for reducing high levels are to drain and add fresh water that does not contain CYA, or use reverse osmosis systems to reduce all total dissolved solids. Splash out, carryout, or backwashing will only lower the levels slightly.


Bromine is the other effective sanitizer and oxidizer all rolled into one product. It, too, is available in a variety of forms.

Bromochloro-dimethyl-hydantoin (BCDMH)

[5]Bromine is most commonly sold as a slow-dissolving tablet used in an erosion feeder or surface floater. Also referred to as ‘organic bromine,’ BCDMH has a pH of 4.5 to 4.8. Notice the letter ‘C’ in the product, indicating BCDMH has a small amount of chlorine as part of its makeup. This is added since bromine needs an oxidizer (chlorine, ozone, potassium monopersulfate) to give it a kick-start. (see Figure 3, Bromine Cycle [simplified])

When added to water, BCDMH has the following chemical reaction:


Dibromo-dimethyl-hydantoin (DBDMH)

This form of bromine is sold as a slow-dissolving nugget or tablet to be used in an erosion feeder or surface floater. With a nearly neutral pH of 6.6, DBDMH has no chlorine content to give it a kick-start; therefore, an oxidizer must be added to an approved feeder or floater.

When added to water, DBDMH has the following chemical reaction:


The bromine cycle

As mentioned earlier, bromine needs an oxidizer to generate the bromine cycle (see Figure 3, Bromine Cycle [simplified])—whether the oxidizer is part of the product itself (BCDMH) or is added separately (DBDMH).



Other available methods for sanitizing and oxidizing

The colour of each test pad should be matched to a colour standard at the time specified.[6]
The colour of each test pad should be matched to a colour standard at the time specified.

1. Electrolytic salt chlorine generators (ECGs)

2. Ozonators

3. Ionizers

4. Polyhexamethylene biguanide (C8H17N5)n

5. Potassium monopersulfate (KHSO5)

Pool and hot tub water chemistry can be a complex subject. This article provides service technicians with an intermediate look at pool and hot tub water chemistry and testing. In a subsequent article, the author will discuss water balance and testing do’s and don’ts.

Wayne J. Ivusich[7]Wayne J. Ivusich, BA, MS, CPO,® CPI,™ NSPF®I, is the manager of education for Taylor Technologies Inc., in Sparks, Md. He has been in the pool/hot tub industry for 27 years and has fielded technical questions from health officials, service technicians, distributors, dealers, and pool and hot tub owners about basic and advanced water chemistry. Ivusich, an experienced conference speaker and recognized industry expert, is a Certified Pool Operator (CPO®), a National Swimming Pool Foundation® Instructor (NSPF®I), and a member of the NSPF® Education Committee. He received his bachelor’s degree in 1987 and his master’s degree in 1995 from Towson University in Towson, Md. He can be reached via e-mail at[8].

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