Waterfalls and rock walls

The strongest and most esthetically pleasing way to secure a safety cover around an obstruction is by using ‘D’ loops. The manufacturer installs these attachment points on the cover by request when it is ordered. Wall anchors will be supplied, which will need to be installed to hold the ‘D’ loops securely against the obstruction. The anchor holes are drilled with a smaller bit and an expanding sleeve is installed into the obstruction. A stainless steel head is then screwed into the anchor to hold the D loop. These anchor points can be left in permanently, or removed for the summer and replaced with small cap screws for esthetic purposes.
The location of the obstruction can also determine when the installation of the anchors takes place. For instance, a waterfall centred along the wall in the deep end would need to be installed first.
The same method used to determine the location of the first strap would be used, but then the wall anchor would be installed at that mark and the cover would be tensioned from the installation of the straps and springs at the other end.
A waterfall on the side of the pool, for example, would require the cover to be installed as per normal instructions until the waterfall location is reached, then the anchor locations can be marked and drilled. Many of the straps might need to be released from the cover so it can be pulled into place and the D loops can be clipped in.
Bad installations related to safety
A professional safety cover installation means every cover strap is attached to a solid anchor point. The straps cannot be wrapped around a 2×4 and laid alongside an obstruction. Further, the straps should not be held down by a rock, either. Finally, standard cement anchors cannot be drilled into the centre of interlocking bricks, as the tension will pull them out.

Unfortunately, some inexperienced cover installers or do-it-yourself homeowners may choose to handle difficult anchor points in this fashion, but by doing so they compromise the intended safety of this type of cover.
Bad installations related to esthetics
On rectangular vessels, all of the safety cover anchors should be positioned an equal distance away from the pool’s edge. All of the main springs should be attached to the straps the same distance away from the cover for irregular/freeform pools. The overlap should be consistent around the entire pool. It is important for installers to measure and drill the anchor positions in the right location.
If a mistake is made, miss-drilled holes can be repaired with mortar mix; however, the repaired spot will remain visible, which can ruin the look of a stamped concrete deck. Therefore, the better option is to leave the extra brass anchor installed.
Paul Hunter owns Hunter’s Pool & Spa in London, Ont., and has more than 30 years’ experience as a service technician. Hunter was one of the first Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) members to earn both the expert and specialist certification. He can be reached via e-mail at paul@hunterspoolandspa.ca.