The importance of clean filter media

The age and condition of the filter media can have a big impact on its ability to remove dirt and debris from the water.
Sand filter media should be replaced every five to seven years, ensuring sand particles still have the sharp edges necessary to catch and remove contaminants. Pool or hot tub owners using cartridge filters should have a spare set available to rotate when they are rinsed or cleaned as it is important to replace them with dry filters every time. Each set of cartridges should be replaced every two years to make sure the pore size in the fabric is not stretched out and unable to catch dirt and debris. Finally, DE filter media should be replenished with every backwash so it can be consistently fresh and ready to filter.
When it comes to water filtration, Landi swears by DE media.
“We do a lot of service work and find DE provides the best water clarity on the pools we service,” he says. “In fact, not only do we find the water is clearer, but we also find our customers whose pools are equipped with this type of filtration media use fewer chemicals.”
In the long run, Landi says homeowners save on the cost of chemicals when using a DE filter and, when combined with a VSP, it increases efficiencies.
However, Landi admits, DE filters can be a bit messy from a servicing standpoint, opposed to backwashing a sand filter. However, the act of backwashing requires more water to be used, which means more chemicals need to be added to the pool to keep the water balanced.
According to Landi, most filters they sell last five years, but some of his customers have had theirs for 10 years.
It is simple for service professionals to keep filters clean and in good working order. When the pressure goes up on the filter, it means it is getting dirty and it is time to clean and rinse it off.
“At the end of the season, I have my customers soak their filters using a cleaner that gets into the pores,” he says. “It’s like bathing. When you take a shower, you don’t just rinse off, because that isn’t going to get the grime off your body. You need to use a soap to open up your pores to really get clean.
“By following these steps, pool owners will be able to get through the entire season with minimal cleaning. If done every year, they will not have to do as much cleaning and the filter will work more efficiently, last longer, and they will not only spend less on chemicals, but also be happier with the pool.”
Chris Marcano is the national account director for KIK Custom Products, a manufacturer of pool and hot tub chemicals as well as detergent, automotive, and personal care product categories. Marcano has more than 19 years of experience in the industry and is a certified pool/spa operator (CPO) instructor, and a member of the education committee for the National Plasterers Council (NPC). He is also active on the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA’s) board of regents and is a local PHTA chapter president. He can be reached via email at