While servicing a drive is notoriously complex, a pump that connects with an app allows a professional to diagnose a problem more easily. Select apps will alert a professional to alarm codes which can help them pinpoint the issue. If given an alarm code, a pool professional should reference the manufacturer’s website or the product manual to determine the appropriate next steps.
As the industry continues to evolve and products become more connected, professionals may be able to remotely receive alerts notifying them of issues with the equipment at their customers’ pools. This real-time monitoring can help service professionals proactively address problems before they escalate. Depending on the alarm code, they may even be able to bring a part with them that could fix the problem on the first trip—helping professionals accomplish tasks in just one visit, rather than several, further saving time and resources.
Operating optimally
Pool professionals must train the homeowner on the capabilities, functions, and maintenance needs of their variable-speed pump. While it can feel counterintuitive to some pool owners, operating the variable-speed pump at the slowest speed and flow rate possible to get the job done right is key to achieving clearer water. To ensure energy savings are actualized, the homeowner should understand that lower speeds and flow rates will provide adequate filtration for their pool.
By operating optimally, the temperature of the drive will decrease, allowing the electronic components of the pump to last longer. Additionally, operating a pump at the lowest speed and flow settings for the pool causes less mechanical wear to the machine.
By diligently maintaining variable-speed pumps, a pool professional can help mitigate common challenges before they arise. Not only can proper service and maintenance protect the longevity of the equipment, but it can also help save pool professionals and their customers time and money over time.
Jimmy Miller is the senior engineering technical lead in new product development specializing in pool pumps at Pentair. He has been with the company for more than 16 years. Miller started in the pool industry in 2005, working in the new product development department on variable-speed
pool pumps.