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A case for borates: Maintaining water chemistry in pools using salt chlorine generators

Many pool professionals agree that borates are a good companion product to salt chlorine generators because they assist in making pool water maintenance easier.
Many pool professionals agree that borates are a good companion product to salt chlorine generators because they assist in making pool water maintenance easier.

Due to the high pH at the surface of the cathode plates within the ECG, scale formation is highly likely. In fact, it is important to note scale formation will occur inside the salt chlorine generator even if the pool water is properly balanced.

According to Schulhoff, his service teams start up all of their new pools with approximately 30 to 50 ppm of borates in the water, which normally lasts between one and two years. After about a year-and-a-half, they test the water and usually need to add a little more borate to get the level back up into that range.

Additional benefits of borates

Borate-based products also inhibit the ability of algae to reproduce.

“Our customers who use borates in their pool never have problems with green water,” says Trey Theobold, the retail manager for Riverbend Sandler Pool Supply in Plano, Texas. “After it rains once or twice in the summer, and the temperatures get up to 100 F (37.7 C), all of the pools in our region turn green. However, all of our customers using borates never experience green pools.”

Due to the number of clients using this product, testing for borates is part of the water maintenance program offered by Riverbend.

“We use the spin tests which actually test for borate levels,” says Theobold. “We also find borates help to keep the pores of the pool plaster clean and algae-free. Otherwise, algae likes to grow in these areas of the pool wall.”

Although borates are mainly a tool for pH and algae control, pool owners also like the way it makes the water look and feel. This product actually increases the refractory index of the water so more light is reflected which gives the pool more ‘sparkle.’

Finally, all borates are considered derivatives of boric acid B(OH)3, the active ingredient in eye drops, which provides the soothing effect. As a result, pools and hot tubs treated with borates also offer the same feeling and, in effect, help to improve the overall bathing experience. In addition, because borates are a mineral salt, they help make bathers’ skin feel softer and help reduce ‘red eye’ from swimming.

With so many pools using ECGs, there is a definite case for using borates. Adding them once a year can make all the difference to a pool owner who chose a salt chlorine generator to simplify their pool water maintenance.

John Bokor is the midwest regional sales manager for Haviland Pool and Spa Products. He joined the company after nearly 25 years in the pool retail industry. Bokor, a certified pool operator (CPO), regularly speaks to professional dealers and pool owners within his territory about water chemistry and maintenance. He can be reached via e-mail at

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