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How to improve business efficiency

Is there is process or check-list to be followed outlining all of the equipment and supplies that will be needed fro that day or do installers just throw some tools on the truck and hope they will be able to get by with what they have?
Is there is process or check-list to be followed outlining all of the equipment and supplies that will be needed for that day or do installers just throw some tools on the truck and hope they will be able to get by with what they have?

Every task, regardless of how often it is performed, should have set rules that define the capacity, quality, and system to be followed. If a business does not define these clearly, it becomes hard to track tasks and measure their efficiency. This can help cut down on guesswork, wasting time searching for the answer, and inconsistency. There is also an increase in productivity and overall morale when each employee can look at the process and know they have succeeded. Further, there is an increase in overall customer service. Each time the specific task is completed, it is uniform and to the level of performance that is set as the company’s standard.

Everyone wants to know if they are doing a good job. More importantly, they want to know how they can achieve that status of success. Think about an employee doing their work on a regular basis and not knowing if they are doing it correctly. Without having certain standards to work toward, it can become easy for one to make changes to the way a task is completed compared to the method that has been proven to be most efficient.

Writing business processes offers the opportunity to get employees involved no matter what position they hold. Allowing them to write out a task they perform will not only open up the conversation on how things are done (which may be different than what is actually being performed), but also gives employees a sense of ownership and pride in their work. It is, in a sense, recognizing an employee does a certain task well and having them outline their methods to share them as the common practice for the company as a whole. While there was a gap before to allow for uncertainty and inefficiency, there is now an outlined procedure to accomplish the tasks that is known to work.

Keep in mind, while these processes are being written they are not to be set in stone. Businesses should still promote its employees to think outside of the box and become creative in developing different ways of achieving tasks. While it is important to streamline operations to become more effective team members, businesses still want to offer the opportunity for investigation into improvements that can potentially be adopted.

Kate Rabe is a communications and marketing consultant located in Beacon, NY. She has more than 10 years of marketing experience in the pool and spa industry. Rabe can be reached via e-mail at

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