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Hybrid pools: The ultimate option for busy professionals

Sloping backyards

Many consumers have sloped backyards, which eliminates the option of a traditional above-ground installation. The hybrid pool was developed with a sloped backyard in mind and is perfectly suited for semi-inground installation. From an installer’s perspective, the installation is a snap. This new above-ground hybrid pool requires less ground preparation time, and there is no need to worry about equalizing the distribution of water weight to ground to keep it in place. Further, if the installer needs to dig into a slope, they can use the same dirt to backfill against the pool.


Traditional above-ground pools can have a tough time surviving a frigid winter. If the liner gets damaged and starts to leak, even slightly, the walls get pulled in by the winter cover and the pool becomes almost impossible to repair. But on the hybrid pool, the 14-gauge, steel wall onground pool option—which comes with a full 16-mil, virgin vinyl liner—will give the consumer many more years of service. After a harsh winter, many above-ground pools can become damaged and, as a result, may need to be replaced. The hybrid pool, on the other hand, has the strength of an inground pool and will withstand extreme freezing weather conditions. Professionals can also replace the old above-ground pool with the surrounding deck in less time than it would take to replace the above-ground pool with a new above-ground pool.

Price points

Rather than using a single, rolled-wall sheet, many of the new products available are made of heavier-grade steel panels.

Some consumers just want the least expensive pool available. For these homeowners, the traditional above-ground pool is ideal. However, there are others who do not want to pay the price of a traditional inground pool installation but are willing to spend more than the price of an above-ground pool. The hybrid pool is the perfect in-between product and can save them a considerable amount of money, often by a factor of 50 per cent or more. This pool also continues to evolve with many building options. Not only can installers offer round and oval shapes, but there are also options for Grecian shapes.

Offering additional benefits

The pool liners are made of 16-mil virgin vinyl and can be custom-made to any bottom configuration.

One of the biggest objections to the traditional above-ground pool has been the wall itself. Consumers do not want to see the wall because it tends to stand out in their backyard landscape, and it is not attractive. This is one of the reasons they spend considerable sums on surrounding decks to avoid looking at the above-ground walls. By being able to bury the wall partially or fully, this objection is removed. Some manufacturers even provide a vertical siding kit that snaps onto the sides of the wall panels and looks just like the siding found on homes.

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