Hybrid pools: The ultimate option for busy professionals

by brittney_cutler_2 | January 21, 2022 8:00 pm

The hybrid pool is helping professionals expand their business to a larger spectrum of customers and landscapes. Photos courtesy Fox Pool

By Eric Gohn

In the face of unwavering demand, pool professionals continue to look for the best building strategy. With labour in short supply, they are seeking ways to maximize the number of pools they can build with their existing crews. This is where hybrid pools have quickly become an ideal solution.

When it comes to selling and installing across a wide range of homeowner needs, options are no longer limited to the traditional above-ground or inground pools. The hybrid pool is helping professionals expand their business to a larger spectrum of customers and landscapes. Installers can even train a crew to focus solely on its easier installation, allowing more pools to be built in a single season.

Meeting a market need

In the past few years, pool manufacturers have introduced the higher-end hybrid option, which has a much stronger construction and can be installed onground, semi-inground, or even fully inground. Rather than using a single, rolled-wall sheet, many of the new products available are made of heavier-grade steel panels. These pools can even handle a bull nose aluminum coping, into which the installer can pour concrete for coping or deck treatments, or a synthetic top treatment for above- and semi-inground applications.

It is important for installers to be aware of this product, as it provides an excellent solution to meet the surge in pool demand. The hybrid pool stands out as the perfect in-between price point. It costs approximately $3000 to $5000 more than the traditional above-ground pool but will last longer and can cost less, once replacements and retaining walls are factored in over even a five-year period.

It is essential to point these facts out to clients when selling the hybrid pool. Consumers will be happier with their investment, which is the ultimate goal for the industry.

The hybrid pool has a much stronger construction and can be installed onground, semi-inground, or even fully inground.

Overcoming challenges

The new generation of hybrid pools are designed to meet specific market needs not being addressed by traditional above-ground models. They can overcome challenges such as sloping backyards, harsh cold winters, and even price point objections.

Sloping backyards

Many consumers have sloped backyards, which eliminates the option of a traditional above-ground installation. The hybrid pool was developed with a sloped backyard in mind and is perfectly suited for semi-inground installation. From an installer’s perspective, the installation is a snap. This new above-ground hybrid pool requires less ground preparation time, and there is no need to worry about equalizing the distribution of water weight to ground to keep it in place. Further, if the installer needs to dig into a slope, they can use the same dirt to backfill against the pool.


Traditional above-ground pools can have a tough time surviving a frigid winter. If the liner gets damaged and starts to leak, even slightly, the walls get pulled in by the winter cover and the pool becomes almost impossible to repair. But on the hybrid pool, the 14-gauge, steel wall onground pool option—which comes with a full 16-mil, virgin vinyl liner—will give the consumer many more years of service. After a harsh winter, many above-ground pools can become damaged and, as a result, may need to be replaced. The hybrid pool, on the other hand, has the strength of an inground pool and will withstand extreme freezing weather conditions. Professionals can also replace the old above-ground pool with the surrounding deck in less time than it would take to replace the above-ground pool with a new above-ground pool.

Price points

Rather than using a single, rolled-wall sheet, many of the new products available are made of heavier-grade steel panels.

Some consumers just want the least expensive pool available. For these homeowners, the traditional above-ground pool is ideal. However, there are others who do not want to pay the price of a traditional inground pool installation but are willing to spend more than the price of an above-ground pool. The hybrid pool is the perfect in-between product and can save them a considerable amount of money, often by a factor of 50 per cent or more. This pool also continues to evolve with many building options. Not only can installers offer round and oval shapes, but there are also options for Grecian shapes.

Offering additional benefits

The pool liners are made of 16-mil virgin vinyl and can be custom-made to any bottom configuration.

One of the biggest objections to the traditional above-ground pool has been the wall itself. Consumers do not want to see the wall because it tends to stand out in their backyard landscape, and it is not attractive. This is one of the reasons they spend considerable sums on surrounding decks to avoid looking at the above-ground walls. By being able to bury the wall partially or fully, this objection is removed. Some manufacturers even provide a vertical siding kit that snaps onto the sides of the wall panels and looks just like the siding found on homes.

Matching up to existing decks

Installers can also match these pools up to the height of an existing deck.

Many homes have existing decks and consumers want to add pools off them. The hybrid pool is the perfect solution because the installer can easily match it up to the existing height of the deck. The hybrid pool is also perfect for renovations because it uses panels like an inground pool, making it a perfect way to renovate and upgrade an existing above-ground pool, even with a deck. Often, a consumer has purchased an above-ground pool and installed a wood deck around the perimeter. Replacing an above-ground pool with a deck requires the deck be taken apart to install a new pool with a single, rolled wall. With a hybrid option, there is no need to remove the deck to replace the pool, as the panels just fit in through the existing deck space. Consumers get their new pool faster, while installers get the job done quicker and make more money.

Everyone prefers steps

Everyone wants steps, but they do not always want ladders. Again, consumers would prefer to have an easy entrance and exit for small children and elderly grandparents. These hybrid pools provide the option of replacing several of the panels with a standard plastic step—just like an inground pool. This added benefit makes it easy to sell the hybrid pool.

More professionals should look to install hybrid pools due to their strength, ease of installation, and versatility.

Water depth

Having a full 1.2 m (4 ft) of water is especially important to some consumers. Hybrid pools offer a full 1.2-m water depth, making them attractive to a wider group of consumers. Like an inground pool, the larger 5.2 x 9.8-m (17 x 32-ft) hybrid ovals can have a custom bottom with a flat shallow area, slope, and deeper hopper area. They still must conform to industry specifications and will never be diving pools, but because of the construction, they allow for more flexibility in the design. The liners for these pools are made of 16-mil virgin vinyl, which is still thicker than traditional embossed vinyl. These liners can be custom-made to any bottom configuration. In fact, roughly 40 per cent of these new pools are designed with customized bottoms.


Most pool professionals agree the new hybrid option has really helped expand their business, giving their customers an exciting option between the typical above-ground pool and the more expensive inground pool. Since these pools are typically easier to build, installers can train a crew to focus exclusively on hybrid pools, allowing more pools to be built in a season. More professionals should look to install these pools, as their strength, ease of installation, and versatility make them the ultimate option for today’s busy industry.

Eric Gohn is the lead sales manager for Fox Pool Wholesale and director of operations for Fox Pool & Spa Services, a retail division of Fox Pool. Fox Pool produces The Ultimate Pool, a hybrid steel wall pool that can be installed above ground, semi-inground, or completely inground. Gohn has worked in all aspects of the company over his 29-year career, including sales, service, marketing, and customer service. Gohn is available to help pool professionals interested in offering The Fox Ultimate Pool this season. For all inquiries, he can be reached via email at egohn@foxpool.com. 

  1. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Fox-Ultimate-Oval-2-2.jpg
  2. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FoxUltimate3-panels-installing-on-sloped-backyard-300dpi.jpg
  3. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FoxUltimatePool4-assembling-panels-close-up-300dpi.jpg
  4. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FoxUltimate-Pool-5-hanging-liner.jpg
  5. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FoxUltimatePool2-round-instlalled-on-slope-with-wood-deck-300dpi.jpg
  6. [Image]: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/FoxUltimate-6-semi-inground-installation-round-300dpi.jpg

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/features/hybrid-pools-the-ultimate-option-for-busy-professionals/