Sell with displays

Selling pool cleaners with a clever display can produce terrific sales revenue. Much like video, retail displays can easily sell a pool cleaner. In fact, many manufacturers provide compact, dynamic displays for retailers to position by the door, water testing station, or register to help increase sales of these products. Another terrific way to expose the client to these products is to set-up a display tank (or pool) that allows customers to touch, feel, and use the vacuum. These displays can also keep young children entertained, too.
To create a display, retailers can fill the tank (or pool) with golf balls or granules that imitate sand, dirt, pebbles, and other debris that might end up in the pool’s shallow end. Then, have the pool cleaner staged next to the display with a sign that says “Try me!”
Depending on the cleaner being displayed, retailers can even put up a sign that says “Clean the pool. Win a prize!”
Create more revenue with pool cleaners this summer
This summer, service shops should get their service technicians to incorporate handheld, battery-powered cleaners as part of their maintenance routines to give them extra time in the customer’s backyards to generate higher profit revenue streams. Retailers should also take the time to set up their store with videos and displays that make it easy for a client to want to buy a high-end pool cleaner. Indeed, pool cleaners can really help pool professionals ‘clean up’ this summer.
Colleen Newhouse is the director of sales and marketing for Water Tech Corp., a manufacturer of swimming pool and hot tub cleaners in East Brunswick, N.J. She can be reached via e-mail at