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Sustainability in the aquatics industry: Robotic cleaners play a key role in energy-efficient pools

Global responsibility

Robotic pool cleaners run independently of the circulation system and, as a result, the pool’s pump and filter is used less often to remove backwash, which not only saves water, but also reduces the homeowner's electricity bill.
Robotic pool cleaners run independently of the circulation system and, as a result, the pool’s pump and filter is used less often to remove backwash, which not only saves water, but also reduces the homeowner’s electricity bill.

Across the world, various countries are also ramping up efforts in producing energy-efficient and cost-effective technology in a number of industries from lighting to heating, refrigeration to transportation, and computing. This has made it necessary (not optional) for Canada to continue to move forward in this regard as well.

That said, many manufacturers in the aquatics industry are on a mission to ensure every pool has the safest, healthiest, and cleanest water using the least amount of energy possible. In this regard, the simple and effective design of today’s robotic cleaners consists of only a few components, which makes repairs simple and, as a result, not only prevents entire units from ending up in landfills, but also saves pool owners a significant amount of money.

Further, if taken care of properly, robotic pool cleaners can last a long time. In fact, some homeowners have managed to keep their equipment in good working order for more than 12 years.

Today, as Canada moves towards eliminating single-use plastic—everything from straws to water bottles to packaging—the author’s company has set a goal to do the same by 2021 in regard to the packaging of its robotic pool cleaners.

Cost savings

Pool techs should not waste time and labour on replacing overworked pool filters or installing additional cleaning equipment. Instead, they can maximize their time by finding ways to make the customer’s pool more efficient and, as a result, increase the company’s revenues. For example, service professionals can drop a commercial robotic cleaner in the pool, while the team inspects the vessel for leaks and/or maintains other areas of the facility. In doing this, pool techs can offer an enhanced customer experience.

Using a robotic cleaner is as easy as plugging it into a standard outlet, turning on a power supply unit, and placing the robot into the pool.

Some robotic pool cleaners are even equipped with technology to calculate the optimal cleaning pattern and operation time to ensure maximum coverage. This feature allows pool owners to reduce the need for chemicals, resulting in a significantly safer swimming environment.

Time and again, studies have shown the lower upfront cost of suction and pressure pool cleaners is soon overcome by higher long-term operating costs due to energy use.

Building energy-efficient pools

It takes a lot of materials, water, and electricity to build and maintain a pool. However, it is quite possible to create a more eco-friendly swimming environment while saving the homeowner some money in the process. It does not matter whether one is building their first pool or renovating an existing one—there are several measures that can be taken to design and build a ‘green’ pool in the most meaningful and impactful way possible.

In terms of pool types and options, chlorine-treated pools, which use a separate filtration system and are built using steel, concrete, and/or fibreglass, are the most popular.

However, for homeowners looking to reduce their carbon footprint, builders should know about the following alternatives.

For instance, in recent times, natural swimming pools (NSPs), constructed using materials like gravel and clay, have increased in popularity across the globe.

These pools use plants—installed near the swimming area—as a natural filtration system, which makes the water safe without consuming energy or using chemicals.

Another eco-friendly alternative to a traditional chemically treated pool are those that use a salt chlorine generator to convert salt into chlorine. These pools are easy to maintain, cost less annually to operate, create lower chlorine levels, and reduce chemical needs.

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