Offer upgrades

There are numerous hot tub cover enhancements that can be offered to the customer at the time of purchase, too. These include foam, seal, and vapour-barrier upgrades, handles, skirt length, aluminum C-channel reinforcement, and even rush delivery.
The customer is there to purchase the product and may not be aware of the upgrades available to them, so it is important to inform them and go for the upsell. Do not be afraid to hear the customer say “No.” It is always better to ask.
Cover lifters require the same type of conversation as the cover, as there are many different makes, mounts, and models to suit the customer’s needs and/or wants.
Beyond the package deal
Knowing how to sell covers and lifters with the purchase of a hot tub is beneficial for the initial sale, but knowing how to sell the accessories as individual units is just as important.
Covers and lifters are not manufactured to last nearly as long as a hot tub will; therefore, if the consumer’s initial purchase experience went well, repeat business can be expected. Covers typically need to be replaced every five to seven years, while most manufacturer warranties on cover lifters do not exceed five years. In this regard, the following advice can help boost aftermarket and replacement sales of hot tub covers and lifters.
Ask the right questions

What cover or lifter does the customer need? What did they like or dislike with their last cover and/ or lifter? Is their health a factor in their purchase decision? Was their cover too heavy? Perhaps they need to add hydraulic assistance to their lifter to help them remove it?
If the customer is looking for a new cover lifter, it is also important to be aware of the backyard design and the location of the hot tub. If the hot tub is inset into the ground or a deck, it is crucial to ensure it has the proper clearance for a cover lifter mount.
Perhaps the customer does not want to drill into the hot tub cabinet to fasten the lifter. If this is the case, it needs to be decided which undermount unit will work best. Further, to avoid impeding on the customer’s preferential vantage points (e.g. watching the sunset) the lifter will need to be mounted on an adjacent side. Knowing the answers to these questions will help ensure the customer is happy with the end result.
Sell online
Let the customer build their cover and select lifter options digitally by making the products available on an e-commerce store. Here, comparison charts for lifter mounts and colour swatches for the available covers can be included. Further, links to additional content, informative videos, and manufacturer’s websites can also be made easily accessible.
When operating an e-commerce store as an extension to a physical retail location, research and due-diligence is important with respect to shipping, timelines, and costs. Shipping hot tub covers across the country can be expensive; therefore, it is good to know what to expect from a cost standpoint. One option to help keep costs low is to work with an e-shipping service to get a better rate. Returns are another thing to keep in mind, as most hot tub covers are built to order.
To operate a successful e-commerce store, the physical retail location must be able to manage it. If online selling is determined to be an option, be sure to include product upgrades as add-ons that customers can select when they are checking out.
I agree with what you said that displaying a hot tub with a cover and lifter would increase the chances of the customer purchasing all three items together. When we bought a hot tub a few months ago, we weren’t offered a hot tub cover or lifter. That’s why we need to buy those now. Hopefully, we’ll be able to find a reputable dealer soon. Thank you for this! https://www.hottubcoverscanada.ca/categories/hot-tub-covers