It does not take long for a pool on the negative side of the LSI to have adverse, irreversible, and expensive damage done. For example, in one pool that was under two years old, the calcium hardness and alkalinity were kept extremely low. The pool water was corrosive, and, in just two years, the surface was permanently stained and damaged. There is also brown staining on the pool’s gutter system..
Bathers complained the water was uncomfortable to swim in and they could not stay in the water for long periods. This corrosive water will cause stainless steel to rust, heat exchangers and pumps to corrode, resulting in copper leaking into the water. Further, due to the acidic nature of the water, the plaster was etched and became rough. This example is extreme, but it unfortunately happens often. It is a condition that is avoidable with the proper knowledge of pool chemistry and by using the simple tools available.
Des Caruana has an extensive and vast background in the pool industry. With more than 20 years of experience in construction, service, and tech. He spends his time travelling North America commissioning most of Acapulco Pools/Gall Construction along with performing operator training. Caruana also spends a great deal of time performing technical support for new and existing customers. He can be reached via email at des@acapulcopools.com.