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Treating spas like pools could get service techs in hot water: Best practices to ensure proper hot tub maintenance

Laminated checklist

Although body wash feels great on the skin, it leaves a film of oil on the body that is removed by the jets, which quickly mixes into the hot tub water and clogs up the filters.
Although body wash feels great on the skin, it leaves a film of oil on the body that is removed by the jets, which quickly mixes into the hot tub water and clogs up the filters.

Many technicians are now leaving a laminated ‘enter-exit-checklist’ attached to spa covers. This encourages users to check sanitizer and disinfectant levels as they open and close the spa when they enter and exit the vessel. Note: It is important water balance parameters are in range, and a sufficient amount of sanitizer is present in the water.


Service techs should consider incorporating broad-spectrum enzymes into the hot tub water-care routine. These enzymes break down non-living waste, such as hair products, lotions, oils, and more. The enzyme technology also reduces the amount of time and effort spent in maintaining a sparkling clean spa.

Further, enzymes also prevent unsightly scum lines and unpleasant odours; thereby, reducing the frequency of filter cleanings.

“With hot water, it is very easy for the water chemistry to get slightly out of balance,” says Belcourt. “This can even happen when the spa water mixes with the cold air outside as the cover is removed, causing the pH balance to rise quickly. When this happens the enzymes attempt to remove the calcium scale, the filter catches the scale, and the oil clings to the scale on the filter. Therefore, one needs a broad-spectrum cleaner that not only removes oil, but also the scale that is likely to be attached to the filter.


Disinfectants will kill germs in a hot tub. That said, not only do these get used up quickly due to the quantity of organic waste in the water, the heat of a hot tub actually breaks down these chemicals rapidly, creating the need to add these products more frequently. Ideally, the sanitizer in a hot tub should be adjusted after every use, and the filter should be cleaned and/or replaced regularly. Although technicians should ensure the filters are clean, they must encourage their clients to keep an eye on the sanitizer levels.

“I’m a big fan of reminders,” says Belcourt, who sends reminders to customers via email, telling them to clean their filters on the first day of every month. “I also find if I get a laugh out of the customer, they will actually remember my reminder, so whenever a customer leaves the store I say: Shock your spa, you filthy animal!”

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