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Video as a marketing tool: Why businesses should use this media format

6. Video is a great way to convey complex information

Using a smartphone, a gimbal device stabilizes the video and allows for mini-boom shots to give some interesting perspectives.
Using a smartphone, a gimbal device stabilizes the video and allows for mini-boom shots to give some interesting perspectives.

Detail-oriented clients will explore every page of a company’s website and read all of the reviews. Videos are a good way to reach these customers, too. Whenever this author needs to work on his truck he watches a video on how to do the job first, which sometimes means he takes it straight to his mechanic, but it is a good way to understand what is involved in getting the job done. At the end of the video, there might be a promo for a parts store (or whoever produced the video), which may influence where he buys his parts or who he hires to do the work.

Similarly, a video showing all of the excavation, site preparation, and general heavy lifting that goes into installing a paver patio, planting a tree, or installing a pool may help customers understand the project costs, as well as what separates the company from its competitors.

In general, people do not mind paying a little more when they are assured the job is being done right. For some customers, seeing what goes into a good job makes them better informed, which in turn helps them when comparison shopping. In a best case scenario, the client will remember which company provided all of the information up front and, as a result, select that company to complete the project.

7. Vlogging can be an effective tool

Vlogging—basically blogging, but on video—is a good way to become considered a trusted expert. Keep in mind, trust is implied and is never addressed directly; therefore, a company that can provide customers with expertise and a consistent message they can relate to can earn the customer’s trust. People are more likely to believe something if they hear someone say it face to face. This is the emotional connection.

Rail systems can be used for some special effects.
Rail systems can be used for some special effects.

For example, it is more likely for a customer to cite what a company representative said during a discussion or dispute, as opposed to how the written contract is being interpreted. (Everything about a project needs to be in writing, just keep in mind though it is often what is said that gets emphasized).

The takeaway is a video message can make a powerful impression on the customer. It works even better if the person in the video is comfortable in this format and can convey the information with some passion and in an interesting manner.

8. Video works great on mobile devices and for all audiences

If someone had the option to read a white paper or watch a video on their phone, they would watch the video. Mobile is increasingly the most common way a business is able to reach people. Some customers may even research a company while in line at the grocery store just as often as they are dedicating time to doing the same research at their desk.

Video is also a good format for accessibility, as it can be closed captioned for the hearing impaired. In fact, closed captioning is a good idea in any event as many people watch video without sound. Descriptive video is also available for those who are visually impaired. Further, playback speeds can be adjusted and, depending on what technology the viewer is using, videos can be enlarged to see them better.

9. Good quality video is not cheap to produce

Media shoots can be performed using a DSLR camera and a high-quality video camera.
Media shoots can be performed using a DSLR camera and a high-quality video camera.

Customers can tell the difference between a high- and low-quality video. As a result, more value is placed on those where more effort went into creating the video to convey the message. In fact, it is implied by customers the videos are something worth watching. Therefore, the appropriate choices should be made about quality.

When this author first started producing content for social media, he had a hard time adjusting to a lower acceptable level of image quality that could be used. It is just a more ephemeral format typically consumed on a mobile device.

When designing a company website time is taken to edit photos (e.g. colour correcting, adjusting levels, etc.) to not only enhance, but to also optimize images for load time. However, when taking an action shot of the company’s crew to post to social media, it might be cropped, a filter may be applied, and a hashtag is added and seconds later it is out there for the world to see. The same can be done with video. For instance, short, often less formal, (even humorous if the company is up to it) videos are appropriate for social media, while more polished professional videos are appropriate for the company’s website or more evergreen content. Vlogging might land somewhere in the middle. That said, unless one is super steady, a tripod should be used wherever possible, as wobbly videos are typically hard to watch and can turn viewers away.

10. Hire a pro

For high-end video, take time to find someone who suits the company’s style and shares its approach to messaging and marketing. Ideally, this will be someone with a background in web design and marketing, so they can help complete the company’s vision and offer sound advice. In general, marketing with video content is a slow burn. Rushing to get to the first page of Google by manipulating the algorithms will eventually result in a decline in website traffic, and possibly even being penalized by the search engine’s algorithms.

To convey the story properly videos should be carefully edited.
To convey the story properly videos should be carefully edited.

While it helps if the person who is hired to create the video understands the business, it can also be helpful if they are not “right up against the glass” and can take a point of view that is more in keeping with the customer’s perspective. For example, titanium bearings in a pump may be cool, but what the client wants to know is by paying a little extra for that feature it may give them peace of mind or longer pump life or whatever other advantage they offer. It is doubtful they really care about how they are made.

This perspective can come from other members of a company’s marketing team, too. However, if the person operating the camera understands this, a company can get even better results. There are some interesting things a business can do with video if they hire a professional. For example, time lapsed construction footage is a great way to quickly impress someone on how a job goes together without getting bogged down in the details. High-quality cameras with the ability to do slow-motion footage at a high frame rate can be a fun way to highlight a water feature, while 4K video is now also possible and provides an even greater level of quality. Rail systems, image stabilization capability, booms, and even drones can be used for some special effects, which, in some cases, are only possible with a pro setup.

By using the information in this article, more business owners should be inspired to supplement their marketing materials with video content. When researching something online, be sure to take note of how much is video-based. This author, like many others, does not think of YouTube as being a search engine, he considers it to be video library. Essentially, this is what makes video different than any other marketing mediums.

Clayton Ditzler is a certified landscape designer (CLD) with The Landscape Artist Inc., in Calgary, Alta., and has been designing residential landscapes since 1989. He can be reached via e-mail at or by visiting

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