Facility designs for developmental/cognitive limitations

The arrangement of play features is key to ensure those with developmental or cognitive limitations have areas within a splash pad to participate.
“A variety of sensory experiences that build upon one another make the facility more inclusive for those with developmental and cognitive limitations,” explains Brewster.
For example, designers can create a sequence of features, starting with sensory exploration with something as simple as a bubbler, and slowly graduating to those with increased intensity, which draw users into the splash pad. When done properly, this sequencing provides participants the opportunity to try something more powerful, like an archway with spraying water, but also allows them to quickly retreat to a less forceful water feature. Moving from one zone to another allows users to explore the area at their own pace.
Unlike playgrounds rated by suggested ages, it is important splash pads are defined by the intensity of their water features. For example, some children are not keen to get their head wet as it is a sensory experience, not necessarily related to a specific age group.
“What we have learned with cognitive and developmental stages is each child develops their ability to process sensory experiences differently,” says Brewster. “It is therefore important to have zones with lower water use that progress through a sequencing path, which moves up to more energetic features, such as dumping buckets.”
As a result, manufacturers of water features now offer product lines with different intensity levels and options to accommodate the overall size and plan of a splash pad for potential users.
Today, many elements are available that make play sequencing an engaging attraction. One can start with a range of bubblers and water-weaving features to create visually interesting patterns, which draw users into the splash pad without the fear of being confronted with a lot of water all at once.
“Another one of my go-to favourites is the ‘mushroom maze’—a simple, yet attractive design for users of all ages and abilities,” says Brewster. “Kids can either play from outside the mushroom of water or sit under the dome of sprays, which creates a pleasing white noise and allows them to retreat into a world of their own.”
Within an inclusive splash pad, there should be separate areas for different activities—where participants can be soaked or splashed in zones of high levels of energy as well as areas along the edge of the facility for those who prefer to enjoy by themselves.
Facility designs for older generations

When designing facilities to include older generations, the splash pad surface as well as the surrounding area needs to be flat for the wheels of walkers and wheelchairs and should not have any irregular cross slopes for those with mobility and balance limitations.
“The surface must be slip-resistant, smooth, and flat,” says Brewster.
Older users are generally in a supervision role and, therefore, it is important to provide comfortable areas for them to stand or sit and be able to oversee children. Shaded seating and accessible routes to benches make a splash pad highly successful for caretakers, especially grandparents.
“The splash pad or spray ground is often the centrepiece of the design while the supporting group pavilions, benches, and shade areas help create an inclusive environment for older generations,”
says Brewster.
Sightlines and supervision
In addition to the inclusive-play elements incorporated into a splash pad, providing unobstructed sightlines across all areas is key for supervising children, especially those who might be experiencing physical, developmental, or cognitive limitations. Designers do not find large, solid elements as an ideal choice for water play areas; features should be minimized, thus limiting the places where children can hide. A larger variety of these components encourages play, fun, and exploration while cooling the skin and soothing the mind with different water sounds. An inclusive splash pad can make any park or community an attractive gathering space for all.