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What is in store for the pool industry in 2021?

What does all this mean?

Looking for ways to compete where others cannot, or will not, provides an ambitious edge that will separate companies moving forward.
Looking for ways to compete where others cannot, or will not, provides an ambitious edge that will separate companies moving forward.

Throughout history, what every market expansion has taught the world is the market follows trends; after expansion, comes contraction, and vice-versa. Although the pool and spa industry may be thriving (at the time of writing), remember how consumers felt just one year ago when the whole country was in lockdown. Looking for ways to compete where others cannot, or will not, provides an ambitious edge that will separate companies moving forward.

By taking the initiative to focus on building a brand, being aware of consumer mindset, and looking for other ways to expand—regardless of the market cycle—companies can be set for success even in times of uncertainty. It is a monumental time in history with a landscape like never before. The opportunities will be found by those willing to see the big picture.

Steve Leslie is the customer service manager at Highbury Pools, a manufacturer and distributor of pool products, including steel walls, equipment, and vinyl liners, based in London, Ont. He has six years’ experience in the pool industry, is also a cross-border real estate investor, has worked for the Canadian Department of National Defence, and is a marketing expert. He can be reached via email at

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