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Here’s what you should know about automatic pool covers

Understanding cover savings

When a pool professional is discussing the idea of a cover with a prospective customer, it is important to include the convenience factors as part of the conversation.
When a pool professional is discussing the idea of a cover with a prospective customer, it is important to include the convenience factors as part of the conversation.

The automatic cover may be unrivaled in the savings they can provide a pool owner; therefore, it is essential for pool professionals to remember to promote these cost-saving benefits. Covers actually reduce the overall costs of maintaining a pool and help retain heat when it is not being used by preventing chemicals and water from evaporating, which together contributes to a reduction in the operational cost of running the pool.

For instance, gas-heated pools equipped with automatic covers can save approximately $2000 in heating cost per year (depending on the region). Further, the use of a cover can save approximately 30,283 L (8000 gal) of water from evaporating throughout the year.

Being able to cover a pool with an automatic cover in approximately 45 seconds, consumers can save thousands of dollars in unnecessary pool utility bills. Best of all, the annual cost to operate an automatic cover is roughly $5 per year.

Understanding convenience

Today’s consumers are looking for maximum enjoyment from their pool investment. They do not want to work at maintaining the pool; they simply want to enjoy it. Understanding this customer reality is why the demand for automatic covers is rapidly growing. These devices open or close in less than one minute, and do not require the consumer to store them in their garage, pool house, or at the service company’s warehouse. When a pool professional is discussing the idea of a cover with a prospective customer, it is important to include these convenience factors as part of the conversation.

Convenience also relates to water chemistry. For example, pool builders should explain why it is important to keep debris out of the water and how the use of an automatic cover can help them do this. Once consumers realize they will spend less time keeping their pool clean by installing one of these products, it continues to be a much easier sale.

Understanding cover safety

Automatic pool covers are also purchased for their safety benefits. Pool owners recognize the security that comes along with these products by being able to cover and close their pool when it is not being used. Some pool owners have told the author they feel better knowing their pool is closed when they are away or on vacation and not supervising the pool. They know the cover cannot be re-opened without a security code or a key, which gives them peace of mind. On new pool sales, the ability to offer this safety feature to a potential customer may further the opportunity to sell the prospect a pool.

Many pool professionals agree selling the benefits an automatic cover offers can be much easier than that of a non-automatic one. On the flipside, many installers say that after the automatic cover has been installed, most homeowners state they chose it for the convenience of not having to manually remove a mesh cover each time they want to use the pool.

While seasonal safety covers are a good option for six months out of the year, when they are not being used during the summer months they do not provide safety.

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