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Fibreglass pool installation

Step 8: Plumbing the pool

Although plumbing the pool is not difficult, the task is not for those who do not pay attention to detail. There are few things worse in this business than discovering a leak after the deck and landscaping have been completed. Therefore, always smooth the backside of the pool with a grinder where the skimmer is positioned. This, along with a top-quality 100 per cent silicone caulking will provide an excellent seal.

Using gaskets for the skimmer installation is also recommended. The backside of the skimmer is strong but narrow and without a gasket it may tend to leak slightly. Most gaskets are universal and will fit most manufacturers’ skimmers. It is also a good idea to silicone inside the skimmer face for an extra seal. When fitting the skimmer, always notch out the top lip of the fibreglass coping so it can sit high in the pool.

For fibreglass pools with bench areas, therapy jets are a nice addition. To install these jets, take a separate airline back to the equipment area as the single-operation controls that sometimes get installed in the deck, will generally become inoperative. Single-operation controls (if used) protrude out of the high-traffic deck area, which can eventually become plugged or broken. The therapy jet housings have pre-drilled holes in the top to accommodate single operation controls. Therefore, if bypassing these controls and installing a separate airline as suggested above, be sure to glue the provided polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plugs into the top of the body housing as water will leak through these holes if not properly secured.

There are also several lighting options for fibreglass pools. To make bulb replacement and winterization easy, select a light style that is sealed at the back of the pool. For builders who do not like to cut holes into the fibreglass pool or do not like the plumbing aspect of an installation, some fibreglass pool manufacturers will provide this service. In some cases, the pool can be delivered with the holes already pre-cut or even with a fully pre-plumbed equipment pad.

In terms of main drain installation, this is not recommended for two reasons. The first being safety as many instances have been reported where children have had their hair caught, and secondly, water could be mistakenly sucked out the bottom of the pool, causing unnecessary damage from hydrostatic pressure (the force that water exerts on a structure). As discussed earlier, this pressure becomes equalized by the water inside the pool and is only a concern when the pool is emptied without dewatering the underside. In the event a pool is drained, and a high-water table exists, the pool will want to float, causing damage to either the pool coping and/or the fibreglass shell.

Some dealers/builders will argue the pool will not realize proper heat circulation without a main drain. Should heat circulation in a pool without a main be inadequate, it can be resolved by attaching an entry-level vacuum to the skimmer suction to act as a ‘roving main drain.’

Most fibreglass pool models have deep ends between 1.5 to 1.8 m (5 to 6 ft). The lack of heat circulation does not seem to be an issue at these depths; however, to accommodate a diving board, some fibreglass pools are 2.4 m (8 ft) deep and these models achieve better heat circulation via a roving main drain.

Once the pool is plumbed and the remaining 0.6 m (2 ft) of backfill is completed, the pool is swim-ready. This is unique to fibreglass pools as a family can enjoy the pool without the immediate additional expense of landscaping. Landscaping is for another discussion; however, it is important to point out that a concrete collar is vital to a successful landscape project.

Many pool builders have discovered that installing a fibreglass pool to the point where it is ‘swim-ready’ is a rewarding and profitable business model.

No need to reinvent the wheel

#16 Pool Circulating
Depending on access, a proper fibreglass pool installation should take no more than three to five days.

No one likes to delay the construction process. Depending on access, a proper fibreglass pool installation should take no more than three to five days. For builders who are contemplating the addition of fibreglass pools to their existing business, or those whose next pool install will be their first fibreglass pool installation, the industry is starving for quality installers. Just remember, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. A tried and proven technique already exists and training is readily available.





Kennedy_HeadshotPaul Kennedy represents the Canadian division of Leisure Pools® manufacturing, a large supplier of fibreglass pools based in Australia. He also manages a fibreglass swimming pool distribution yard, which supplies Eastern Canada. Kennedy has been involved in the fibreglass pool industry for the past 12 years and has travelled throughout North America training deales on how to sell and properly install fibreglass pools. He can be reached via e-mail at

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