Halifax children get a Jumpstart on swimming lessons

by MODE, ignore | May 23, 2013 4:17 pm

Halifax children get a Jumpstart on swimming lessons[1]
Funding from Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart program has helped make swimming lessons more accessible to Halifax children.

Thanks to funding from the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program, Halifax children between the ages of 4 and 12 are able to take part in the regional municipality’s ‘I Love to Swim’ program.

Lessons are provided at the city’s Canada Games Centre, which was constructed in 2011 for the Canada Winter Games and is now used as a fitness and aquatics facility.

According to a report in Metro, when staff at the facility realized that some families were having difficulties getting their kids to and from the facility, Canadian Tire Jumpstart helped by providing transportation support.

“This funding has given many newcomer children the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons at the Canada Games Centre,” said the community connections co-ordinator with Immigrant Settlement & Integration Services, Lani Poce in the report. “Connecting newcomer families and children to community programs where they can meet other Canadians is essential in the settlement process. We are thankful that Jumpstart is able to contribute in this way.”

This Saturday (May 25), many Canadian Tire retail stores across the country will be participating in Jumpstart Day, which will include fun activities to help raise money for local communities to allow more kids to participate in sporting and recreational activities.

For more information about the Jumpstart program, visit jumpstart.canadiantire.ca[2].

  1. [Image]: http://poolspamarketing.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Halifax-children-get-a-Jumpstart-on-swimming-lessons1.jpg
  2. jumpstart.canadiantire.ca: http://jumpstart.canadiantire.ca

Source URL: https://www.poolspamarketing.com/trade/halifax-children-get-a-jumpstart-on-swimming-lessons/