Here’s another reason to sign up for Pool & Spa Marketing e-mails

by jason_cramp | December 20, 2016 3:50 pm

The winner of Pool & Spa Marketing’s Apple iPad Mini 4 contest is Stefano Giannini, principal of Janet Rosenberg & Studio Inc.

Pool and spa/hot tub professionals across Canada are registering for free on the Pool & Spa Marketing website to not only receive our weekly e-newsletter (packed with news, online features, and an events calendar), but also gain access to our digital archives.

To thank all our new e-subscribers, we held our Apple iPad Mini 4 contest, which ran from Oct. 3 to Nov. 17, 2016. Stefano Giannini, OALA, CSLA, ASLA and principle of Janet Rosenberg & Studio Inc., a landscape architecture and urban design firm, is the winner!

By registering your e-mail address, you will also create a free account on, which includes the following perks:

Sign up now[2] to continue to receive e-mail communication from Pool & Spa Marketing and you’ll be the first to know about the latest news from within the Canadian pool and spa/hot tub sector.


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