Show and sell

According to Koch, his company has sold several hand-held, battery-powered vacuums simply because pool owners have seen his service technicians using them to clean their pool steps.
“Stairs always have junk on them and pool owners need or want to do spot cleaning on their pool between weekly maintenance visits,” he says.
Selling robotic cleaners to customers has become more commonplace for Lenz as well.
“Once customers see their service technician use a robotic cleaner and realize it is as simple as plugging it in and tossing it in the pool, it becomes appealing for those who want to keep their pool as clean as possible between maintenance visits,” he says. “We have found 90 per cent of our robotic pool cleaner sales come from our existing customer base.”
Koch has also had success selling robotic pool cleaners to his clientele, as more than 50 per cent have purchased a unit after seeing the service technician use one.
“I’m happy to sell them the pool cleaner because it maintains our relationship with the customer with regard to other business,” he says.
Further, to keep his customers from buying the cleaner online, Koch says he will service any cleaner they sell; however, he will not service one that was purchased elsewhere. This not only keeps his customers happy, but it also keeps them loyal to his business.
Create more time this season
Those service companies which have not already incorporated robotic and/or battery-powered cleaners as part of their maintenance routines should do so to give their maintenance technicians some extra time in their customers’ backyards this summer.
Once implemented, a contract or post-service follow up report can be created that lists add-on products to alert clients of any additional items they may need or might enjoy on their pool—whether it is simply new rails, an energy-efficient pump, or LED lights.
Guy Erlich is the founder and president of Water Tech Corp., a manufacturer of swimming pool and hot tub cleaners in East Brunswick, N.J. He can be reached via e-mail at