Today, many manufacturers offer products that are sold in retail stores only, or products with an increased warranty if purchased from the store. Employees should make sure consumers are aware of these benefits (e.g. “A free warranty upgrade if purchased at the store.”)
Other merchandising tactics might include a special colour, feature, or bundled package if purchased at the store. Some retailers might even display the product price and the installed price on all of their in-store merchandise. This takes the mystique and guesswork out of pricing for the consumer. Think about some of the products advertised on TV as installed: carpet, windows, car tires, etc. Therefore, it naturally makes sense for pool and hot tub products to be advertised in a similar manner.
To put these types of programs in place, it is important to discuss these options with suppliers to see what products they offer that are exclusive and support brick-and-mortar retailers.
Product demonstration
For a consumer, actions speak louder than words and nothing creates more excitement than seeing a demonstration of the product they are interested in purchasing. Product demonstrations give customers the ability to assess the quality or performance of the merchandise before they buy it. However, this means the display has to look organized, have a good selection, and have knowledgeable staff available that can answer questions and show the product effectively.
Countless numbers of people buy items from home and garden shows, for example, because they saw them in action. The same can be said about late night infomercials. This type of selling is all about the old adage “seeing is believing.” Never doubt the power of showing the product in action—it works.
Another way of doing this is to use digital picture frames that play video throughout the store to demonstrate how products work. Whether it is an outdoor game product, robotic pool cleaner, light emitting diode (LED) lighting, or even how an above-ground or inground pool is installed, people are drawn to video screens, which help to blur the line between digital and physical reality. Further, they act as a silent sales person entertaining the customer while they shop or wait for a water test.
The sales team
It is a major advantage if a pool and hot tub retailer’s staff is trained correctly. To put this in perspective, consider how a local grocery store operates—there is no one there to sell or entice customers on what to buy. Essentially, the customer is making the decision on their own based on price, availability, promotion, and position. That said, some of the best grocery stores do have a sales staff, but most consumers do not realize it. For instance, the people handing out product samples, the butcher cutting meat, and the clerk ringing sales are there to sell products while the customer is shopping, or the next time they visit, by giving them a reason to come back.