Why does this matter?
It is important to balance all aspects of hydraulics to achieve the greatest energy efficiency and lower energy costs. Overall, it makes good business sense to downsize the pump and upsize the piping. Everyone wins—not only will users conserve energy and lower operating costs, they will also help prevent future damage to the plumbing and wear and tear on pump motors and filters. Of course, consumers want to know how long it will take to recoup their investment when they purchase energy-efficient pool equipment. Most pump manufacturers provide energy-saving calculations, including details on calculating the pay-back period.
The more knowledge industry professionals accumulate on hydraulics, the better prepared they will be to achieve energy efficiency and communicate benefits with customers. While this article is a good first step, enrolling in a hydraulics class can help professionals better understand the issues and calculations at hand.
Readers are also invited to submit experiences and opinions as to how we can best promote energy efficiency. E-mail suggestions to ccentrella@keiseruniversity.edu. Comments will be shared with the other participants in the threaded discussion forum.
Connie Gibson Centrella is professor and program director for the online Aquatic Engineering Program at Keiser University eCampus. She is an industry veteran with more than 40 years experience and is a former pool builder with extensive knowledge in pool construction, equipment installation and manufacturing.