Inter-Fab earns best booth award at The Pool & Spa Show

by jason_cramp | February 8, 2017 4:31 pm

The Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA), organizers of The Pool & Spa Show, presented the 37 x 56 m2 (401 x 600 sf) best booth award to Inter-Fab Inc.

Inter-Fab Inc., a manufacturer of pool accessories, rails, and games in Tucson, Ariz., was honoured with the best booth award at the recent Pool & Spa Show held in Atlantic City, NJ.

The Northeast Spa & Pool Association (NESPA) presented the award to Inter-Fab at the show for its creative use of its 37 x 56 m2 (401 x 600 sf) booth.

“The booth included running water on our new pool slide, as well as other new product introductions, including our designer rails, in-pool chair, in-deck basketball set, and our latest diving board in new colours,” said the company’s national sales director, Keith Monk. “We were really pleased with the turnout of attendees in Atlantic City who all had a positive outlook for the 2017 season. We are excited to be there to support them and be a part of their success this year.”

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