Pool and spa industry professionals from all over the world will be attending next week’s International Pool | Spa | Patio Expo (IPSPE) to take in a wide range of educational sessions and technical training opportunities to improve their knowledge and better their businesses.
The educational program offered during this year’s show, which takes place Nov. 2 to 4, in the Bayside Halls at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nev., will include business, technical and ‘hot topic’ seminars representing the newest ideas on every challenge—from intricate vanishing-edge pool design and implementing new mandated safety regulations to social media marketing. The program features six targeted tracks, with each tailored to residential and commercial builders/contractors, retailers, service companies and landscape architects/designers.
Industry experts will conduct more than 45 seminars, with each classified by course levels (advanced beginner, intermediate, advanced intermediate and advanced) to allow attendees to customize training according to their skill level and area of expertise.
“By attending the educational conference program, attendees will learn valuable strategies designed to increase company productivity and growth,” said Bill Weber, president and CEO of the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP), the show’s official sponsor. “I encourage our members to sharpen their skills and enrich their personal development through the seminars.”
The complete list of speakers and seminars can be found at www.poolspapatio.com.