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It takes teamwork to build large pool projects

crew-back bone of any project
On large scale projects the team principle becomes paramount as the pool, spa, and water features are often the first items constructed in the overall landscape of the property.

Specialty engineers

Project engineering can start during the design stage—if something unusual is being considered—but generally comes into play after the conceptual designs are completed. A competent structural and hydraulic engineer with relevant experience in water shape design and construction is paramount to the success of large scale projects. However, take heed as it can be easy for
a project to go over budget with an overzealous engineer, whereby a project is over specified and over built.

Engineers may be needed for concrete structures, soil reports, hydraulic design, accessory buildings, retaining walls, bunkers, and a host of other requirements. Being able to pick up the phone and speak directly to the structural engineer can save a lot of time and money. Completing minor construction and detail changes during the design/engineering stage also helps to keep the project from going over budget.

Knowledgeable planners

One of the most daunting, perplexing, and time consuming components of many projects is the number of permits that must be obtained prior to construction. Permit delays or denial are at the top of a contractor’s frustration list. Large projects will require the assistance of knowledgeable planners that have connections with the local building department. It is well worth the cost to hire these individuals when necessary, particularly when working out of the company’s regular jurisdiction.

Weather permitting

After the design, sales, engineering, and permit stage, construction can be scheduled and the project can commence. During this phase, however, Mother Nature now plays a role on the construction team. Generally, dry and warm conditions are more favourable than wet and cold weather on any job site.

Once given the go ahead, the company’s small army of labourers, sub-contractors, designers, supervisors, and employees are now required to work on the project. Site mobilization, safety, and logistical co-ordination will contribute to a successful, profitable, smooth operation.

The first string

Layout, site safety, and preparation are the first crews on site. Excavation can be straight forward, or require the assistance of conveyor belts, rock blast crews, surveyors, and soil engineers. Next up are drainage crews that install gravel and weeping tile to facilitate water removal and/or diversion. Depending on the type of water shape being built, and the complexity of the design, a soil engineer will have to sign off on the bearing capacity of the ground. The soil engineer can also offer advice when facing unusual ground, strata, or water conditions. Complex jobs will often require multiple site visits by the project engineers in order to verify the construction process.

The pool, spa, and water features are often the first items constructed in the overall landscape of the property. On new home construction sites, co-ordination between the home builder, landscaper, water shaper, and all other trades often comes down to the project manager. Generally, on most sites, the trades work out the details on-site and through contact via e-mail, text, and over the phone. Team communication and design sequence are the keys to successful project management and the construction process.

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