Barry Justus, pool and spa industry veteran and regular contributor to Pool & Spa Marketing, has attained his Society of Watershape Design (SWD) accreditation from Genesis 3 Design Group. He is now one of two Canadian builders who are members of this elite design/build association.
The SWD comprises a series of core classes, which educate participants on advanced approaches to water shape design and construction. The curriculum teaches practical skills associated with design excellence, including colour theory, design principles, advanced two-dimensional communication, the vocabulary of design history, and the principles of proper pool and water shape construction.
“I took my first course in 2004 at the International Pool & Spa Expo (IPSPE) in Las Vegas, Nev.,” said Justus, who is the president and owner of Poolscape Inc., in Burlington, Ont. “It has taken eight years to complete the (SWD) course requirements and become one of its members. Completion of the required courses involves 150 hours of classroom instruction, projects, and examinations.
“The combination of courses in design, engineering, construction and business has played a large part in my success as a builder in this highly competitive industry. I thoroughly enjoy continuing education, writing, lecturing, teaching, as well as pushing the envelope in design and construction with my business.”
Justus has also recently accepted a faculty instructor position with Genesis 3 Design group, with course instruction commencing in 2013.
“I look forward to espousing the virtues of excellence in design and construction in the water shaping industry,” he added.