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Leveraging technology in the outdoor design process

Phenomenal customer experiences

Refining the design process with innovative technology to create great customer experiences can increase sales if it is fully integrated.

The customer experience is now one that many sales strategists describe as a journey. How to bring a client onboard, how to interact with a client throughout the onboarding process, and how to keep a client satisfied along the journey, are questions that companies must now ask.

However, a 2014 study conducted by Accenture found less than two-thirds of marketing executives thought they were “doing a good job in delivering relevant customer experiences,” while not quite half felt they were “in charge of the customer experience.

One reason for this is some consumers today have expectations that can come as a surprise to designers. The traditional sales funnel—neatly leading the potential client on an orderly path from general awareness of a product or service through consideration to making the purchase decision—might serve as a useful planning exercise, but it is not always an accurate representation of how clients make buying decisions.

From “Liquid Expectations” to predictive customer service, clients often enter into the decision to hire a designer or builder with research on what to expect already in hand. Whether those expectations are based on home-renovation reality shows or on the generous return policies of major retailers, many clients expect the designers and builders they hire to be familiar with the most innovative technology available on the market, and to offer highly integrated technology-based options.

Leveraging technology in the design process is one strategy that makes it easier for clients to make a purchasing decision. Further, it helps designers take the lead in their industry and market, creating phenomenal customer experiences that lead to impressive growth. Innovative design methods, responsive customer service, and collaborative tools help designers to improve the design process and impress their clients.

Nehlich_HeadshotNoah Nehlich is the founder of Structure Studios. As the creator of Pool Studio Pool Design Software, he is into everything 3D. With more than 16 years’ experience building the design software pool and landscape designers commonly use today, Nehlich’s goal is to improve lives through 3D experiences. He can be reached via e-mail at

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