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Minimizing injury risks at public swimming pools


Safety grip rail covers help promote safety and reduce liability by providing a better gripping surface than a bare-hand railing.

Safety grip rail covers help promote safety and reduce liability by providing a better gripping surface than a bare-hand railing. These covers are made from a commercial-grade poly fabric blend with ultraviolet (UV) light inhibitors. They are simply installed over the railing and zipped into place.

Handrails can often times become loose and unstable; therefore, routine inspections around the pool should include handrail checks. In some cases, stabilizer plugs can be used to help facilities ensure the handrails remain safe.

Handrails that are experiencing corrosion should be examined and replaced. Corrosion of stainless steel rails is becoming much more common now that salt chlorine generators have become popular in commercial applications. Depending on the degree of corrosion, handrails can be replaced with powder-
coated or thermoplastic covered rails which not only resist corrosion, but also are easier to grip and cooler to the touch than traditional stainless steel.

Taking the time and effort to ensure safety

Ensuring aquatic facilities remain safe takes time and effort. Having a daily, weekly, and monthly maintenance routine and checklist is a good way to keep abreast of any potential safety hazards. The products mentioned in this article are only a few examples of what is available to help make various areas of a facility safer for patrons. It should also be noted, the areas mentioned for consideration are outside of the mandated items such as safety drains, anti-entrapment, first-aid kits, lifeguard stands, and safety signage requirements. Aquatic facilities that are well informed of the many options available to make the pool and surrounding areas safer will have happy patrons and smooth, uninterrupted operations.

Johnathan Roberts is a division manager with PoolEquip LLC in Indianapolis, Ind., and oversees the sales and production of the company’s grating and safety padding products. His product knowledge, in addition to a varied background in the construction industry, allows him to offer industry professionals safe, high quality, and esthetically pleasing solutions for new construction and renovation projects. Roberts can be reached via e-mail at

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